200 mg

230 13 16

March 29, 2027

"Why are the walls so white? Why are there so many people? Why are they all dressed in green? Grandma?"

"You ask a lot of questions." chuckled grandma Lynette. "Come on, your mom is just a little farther."

"Why are we here again?"

"Your baby sister was born."

My face lit up with excitement. "Really?!" then I frowned. "Sister?"

"Yes, sister."

"Not a brother?"

"No Luke, I'm sorry."

"Does that mean I get to beat up the people who break her heart like dad does with mom?"

Grandma laughed, not realizing that I was being serious. "Yes you can, Luke."

"Yes!" I cheered. Grandma lead me into a room where I saw my mom, holding a buddle of blankets. "Mom!"

"Hi Luke!" she smiled, barely taking her eyes off of the blankets. Her hair was messy, and both her and dad looked tired. Didn't grandma say it was one in the morning or something? I couldn't remember, but that wasn't important.

"Is that her?"

My mom nodded. "Yes."

"Can I see?"

"Her name is Amelia." she handed the blanket to me, and looked inside the pink bundle to see Amelia, mouth partcially hanging open, sleeping.

"Hi Amelia." I smiled, she didn't respond, but  I knew she would've if she could.

December 15th, 2030

I sat at the lunch table by myself, drumming my fingers along to the beat that pumped through my head phones. I hadn't smoked yet today, and I could feel my fingers twitching nervousely as they hit the table because of it. Because of what happened between Jack and I last night, I decided that I was going to have to learn to live without cigarettes for a while, just in case he cut off my supply. I clenched my hand into a fist to keep it from shaking, and looked around the cafeteria, hoping no one was thinking that I was acting weird.

"You look a cat who was just mauled by a dog." my head whipped around at the sudden comment, to see Night standing behind me, lunch tray in her hands.

"I'm fine, I assure you."

"I never asked if you were fine." she smirked. I scoffed and turned around back to the empty table, she sat her tray down across from me.

"I prefer sitting alone."

"Are you just saying that, or do you not want me to ask you useless questions?"


"That's what I thought." she laughed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. I told you already."

"Whatever you're doing with your hand right now doesn't seem fine." she pointed out. I looked to my hand to see it continuosly rolling my pencil between my fingers. I bit my lip and set it down.

"I haven't smoked all day." I finally confessed. "I'm going insane- and wasn't your eye just black and bruised yesterday?"

"It was, and now it isn't." she said simply. "Let's talk about Luke."

"But I don't want to talk about Luke."

"You can't talk about me because you don't know my name."

I huffed out some air. "Then maybe you should tell me." 

"I'd rather you not find out." she shrugged. "But why haven't you smoked? Finally realized that it's just plain bad for you?"

"No. I'm... training myself."

"Training yourself?"

"It's just, uh," I wasn't sure if I should tell her the truth or not, but I was too worried of what she would think to go through my options. "I'm doing it for my sister."

"I didn't know you had a sister." she blinked.

"You've known me for 24 hours." I chuckled.

"That's what you think."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Night took a drink of her milk. "Nothing. Continue?"

"I'm just worried no one will be there for her if I... die."

"Aw!!!" Night sighed, her face sweetening at my fib. "That's so nice of you! How old is she?"

"Only three, but I'm still worried." the bell ringed signalling the end of lunc, was it really over? What time was it when Night even got here? She tossed whatever was left of her lunch and turned to me.

"Well keep it up, I think she would be glad in the future." she smiled, walking away without even saying goodbye, but I was too distracted to notice. What if the lie I told actaulayy became a problem? What if the smoke really got to me and killed me? What would happen to my baby sister? I shook my head and threw away my tray as well, the questions still running like a river in my mind.


I soon found myself a few feet from Jack, who hadn't spotted me yet. I knew I had to tell him I wasn't gonna sell the stuff, it was illegal. I didn't want to end up in jail with the guilt of trashing my parents reputation. Quckly, I shuffled over to him.

"Jack, hey." I tapped his shoulder, and he turned away from his group of friends to face me.


"I'm not selling your crap." I spat, sounding more demanding than I intended. His face stiffened.

"You know the concequences."

"Yeah, and I'm not scared of them."

"Oh you will be, it isn't that easy to quit, Luke."

"I have help."

Jack just laughed. "Whatever, just get out of here." I was tempted to throw the bag of crystal at him, but I knew if I took it out the end would not be good. So I sucked it up, and left.

For Amelia.


HAHA WOW HI  I don't really like this chapter but I shouldn't complain so attempt to enjoy :)

I swear i'll update more after exams, i really want to get all A's :c bear with me!


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