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August 19th, 2019

"Luke! Come inside! It's dark already!" I could hear my mom calling my name from inside, but I didn't wanna go inside. I laid on the cool grass, which felt nice with the hot Nashville air. There were some crickets singing while I looked at the stars. I wanted to try and count them, but I knew I'd loose track if I tried again.

"Hey, buddy." my dad came to sit beside me. "You have to come inside."

"Daddy, I don't want to." I whined, not taking my eyes off the lights up there.

"I know." he sighed, lying down beside me. He suddenly pointed to a specific spot. "See that little section the looks like a spoon? It's called the Big Dipper."

"Oh." I said, looked at all of the stars that made up to the spoon shape. "Night is beautiful."

"I think so too."

December 14th, 2030

The ability to just think has always astounded me. How sometimes you zone out as you lose yourself in thoughts, things you can't see or feel or smell... but you know they're there. It's almost like their purpose is to distract, or maybe to just pull you in deeper and deeper to try and drown you, so you're lost in them until someone yells at you to get your attention, shooting you back up to the surface. Just thinking about thoughts distracted me, and I winced as I felt the tip of my finger accidentally touch the burning end of my cigarette. Seconds later, my name was called, causing me to jolt in panic. Smoking calmed my down a little, but most of the time I could be quite jittery.

"Got anymore of those?" a boy whose name I couldn't quite remember approached me as I sat against the school walk outside, the white roll hanging out of my mouth.

"Oh, yeah, how much you got?" I asked him. He fumbled around in his pockets, soon handing me five dollars (and a couple pieces of lint). I tossed him a pack and he nodded.

"Thanks." I tossed him my lighter too and he light his, looking around. "Aren't you afraid you'll get caught?"

"Not really. I can always find a new spot."

"There aren't many spots around here."

"Sometimes I can just imagine where they'll be." I watched as the boy took a huge drag on his, as if he'd been smoking since he was born. "Hard day much?"

"Nah." he said, his already mostly gone. "Y'all smoke for fun and reputation, I smoke to die." he smiled to himself as the tiny bit left hung out of his mouth. I guessed that the last bit was from a book he read, I remembered he liked books, which probably weren't a good combination with lit cigarettes.

"That's an odd way to use them." I thought aloud, he dropped his to the ground and stomped out the burning end.

"I think sensible is the right word for it." he half smiled before tucking his hands in his pockets and leaving me alone again, probably so he wouldn't get caught. Checking my watch, I saw I had 10 minutes left of my lunch. I always left my spot with ten minutes left so I could get the smell off me, and look less suspicious. Still freaked out about the boys huge drags, I took the remainder and stomped on it instead of finishing it off, burying deep against the dirt under the blades of grass for the lawnmower to chew up. As I got up, I ran straight into someone.

"Oof! Sorry!" a girls voice squeaked. I ran a hand through my hair even though it probably wasn't messed up at all to hide my annoyance. How do you run into a single person in an empty field of mowed grass? The first thing I noticed was her eye, black, bruised, and nearly swelled shut, it reminded me of a black eye you see in a cartoon, not something in real life.

"Whoa." I blurted at the sight of her eye, she bowed her head embarrassed.

"Don't worry about that. I'm sorry I-"

"I wasn't worried about you." I cut her off, not really in a small talk mood. She narrowed her eyes (eye) at me.

"What's your problem? I was explaining why I ran into you."

"I don't like explanations."

"Why not?"

"Just... Because." I shook my head, ready to walk away.

"You smell like cigarettes." she noted.

"Yeah, you want a smoke?"

"Ew, no." she made a disgusted face. "You realize that can kill you, right? Cancer, lung diseases, gross breath, gross everything..."

"Maybe I just don't care about that stuff." I sighed, I realized I had never seen her around before. "Are you new?"

"Why should I tell you? It involves an explanation."

"I just wanted know. Why are you back here anyway? This is my spot."

"Who said it was yours?"

"No one. It's just automatically mine."

"I'm here too, it should be mine." she sassed.

"Well I'm making it mine." I took my pencil that I always kept in my pocket out and scratched my name on the side of the building, the gray lead hardly standing out against the white paint.

"Luke? Your name is Luke?"

"Yes, do you have a problem with it?"

"Sounds like a baby name."

"It does not! My full name is Lucas."

"That's even worse!" she laughed. "No wonder you smoke, you wanna look tough because of your baby name."

"Oh, and what's your name?"

"You don't need to know."


"It involves an explanation."

I rolled my eyes. "Can I give you a name?"


"I'm calling you... Night."

Night crossed her arms. "That's the best you got? A stage of the day?"

"No, it's a stage of night." I corrected her, only amusing myself. Seeing she still didn't understand, I sighed. "Your eye is black like the night, at the moment at least. And you ask a lot of questions, like the night."

"That doesn't even make any sense."

"Well neither do you."

"Whatever." she tried to walk past me, but I blocked her, I was now intrigued by this girl.

"Where are you going? That way is the parking lot."

"That's where I want to go."


"That involves an explanation."

"I think I want to hear this one."

"You're not hearing it." Night shook her head, smiling sarcastically and pushing me aside with two fingers. "See ya around, Lucas!" I watched as she flaunted her walk around the building to the parking lot.

Night, night can disappear without darkness.


I feel like this is long because of all the dialogue but really it isn't but it is but it isn't but it is...

What the guy said about smoking to die is from the book Looking for Alaska by John Green and it's REALLY good (and has a lot of smoking...) and if you haven't read it you probably will end up reading it anyway because I heard it was being made into a movie XD

But don't ask me questions about Night, because I literally have NO idea, I was just thinking and BLOOP there's this girl now yay! (I do know she's gonna shake up his life like a maraca)

Happy Holla Days!


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