First passenger

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Do i look ok? I stare at me in the mirror. I don't know why i care about my look so much, he has seen me in my worst moments and is till a big part of my life. Deep in my heart i know the answer. I freaking love this guy. He is more than my best friend but i can not handle this after my last breakup. Ethan made me lose myself in a river of tears but there was him. Always. He catchend me right before i went to far in. He held my hand through every tear. I am so thankful for him coming into my life, leaving a thunder in my stomach every time his dark eyes catch mine. And after meeting Josh i believe in love and even in love at first sight. I know that i have seen him multiple times before but i never talked to him about personal things before the audition. The magic between us, his look at me, my smile every time he walks in. I never felt this way before. I wish i could tell him. Maybe I sh...
"Livy? Are you ready to celebrate?" Josh screams from the outside of my trailer.
"Yeah, wait a second" I grab my phone and leave. Right as i open the door i notice something. Something is different.
"Joshy, have you died your hair again?"
"Yeah... you like it?"
"You always look amazing. Even without hair you would be pretty" HAVE I SAID THAT FOR REAL?!?! Shit
"Thanks Livy. I was kinda scared to do that before our da- celebration"
"No, it looks great. Ricky style"

I love how Josh drives. He always makes me feel safe and good. I mean, he has turned the seat heater on before i entered his car.
"SO there we are. In and out BABY" I like how he talks. Most of the times he screams at the end of his sentences but it makes be feel comfortable around him. He parked his car and we go in. Here aren't too many people which i really enjoy because kids notice me sometimes and i hate that. I mean, i love being an actor and i love my fans but i like them when they are over 10 and don't recognize me from a stupid freaky show like my last one. You know, i am thankful for the cast but i always hated the concept of the show. We always looked like jerks. The people here are definitely older than me and there is only one kid around but i don't think that his parent allow him to watch TV. He only got carrot stick while his parents got fries. I hate how parent can act with their kids. They aren't animals and they can decide what they want to eat. And if they don't want him to eat fats food, they should not bring him here.
"Liv? Everything ok? I ordered you regular menu."
"Perfect thanks Josh. Do you want to eat here or in your car?"
"Lets eat in my car. I think the lady with the greys phone case knows who i am. she stares at me the whole time and i think she googled how i looked in Greys"
"All right. I hope she found the cute picture of you." I whisper. I hope he hast heard me
"The cut one? I don't know that there is a cut one" Shit
"Yeah, I follow Greys on insta and they posted a pic of you siting in the hospital after you girlfriend was taken away from you"
"Don't tell me they posted the one with the ... look" he made the original look of him in the picture. I laugh.
"Yeah they posted it. Joshy you look so cut on this photo" We make eye contact and cant stop. We both smile. It feels like we are lost. Lost in our own world.
"Sorry" an old man does not fit through the open space between me and the wall so i push's me to Josh. I fall into his arms and he catches me at my waist and pulls me closer. Our band never broke and we still look into each other's eyes. If there is no one interrupting us any second i am going to kiss this boy. There is no way-
"Meal 0304 is ready"
"Its ours" Josh yells and kinda runs to the woman with our bags. After he thanked her he looks at me and tells me with his face than i should go first. I hold the door for him and we go back into his car.
"So there you go, you fries, a vegan burger and a coke for my Livy and i got the same"
Wait... this is not his normal meal. He eats meet which is completely ok for me. Why is he doing that?
"You got the same as me? Why?"
"You always say that its delicious and so i need to try it. I think there is no better chance to do it than at the celebration of our first own song"
"This sound strange. You know i have always seen me as a singer since i was like 12 or so and i always thought that it was normal to write songs by myself. Now calling myself a songwriter feels... grown up, you know?"
"Yes. I never thought i would find someone who is passionate about the same things as me. But then you walked in and it felt like a part of me completed, i met someone who i can write a song with. The best thing for best friends like us. cheers!"
We put our burger together and take a first bite. I look at Josh to see his reaction
"How is it?"
"Why have i never tried this before?"
"I don't know."
"This feels like driving for the first time. I know that i am going to be obsessed with this for forever"
"I believe you but i can not tell you anything about it."
"I did not drive before"
"WHAT? Olivia you now what? I am going to teach you how to do it"
"Where ?"
"Right here. After we finished you are going to drive around the parking lots"
"No josh i can not do that. There are too many cars. I will hit them all" We both laugh
"Ok, we will wait till the restaurant closes and then i will show you"
"Sound great"

"Ok Livy, it's midnight now. You can do it. Turn the key around and put this to the front. Yeah that's right. Now put your right foot on the right pedal for gas but just a little bit. Yess a bit more... there you go. We are rolling. Now you can turn this around and try not to take away these things with you... You are doing amazing Livy. Ok go a bit faster. Oh not that fast, now put your feat on the break but- oh that was to hard" We laugh endlessly after this.
"Thank you Joshy. I will always remember this night."
"Yeah me too. I expect you to drive to my house in LA when you get you license. I want to be the first passenger you drive around the town"
"I will remember that hahah"
"SO Liv, what do you think about taking a hot shower and then watching the kissing booth in my room. you can stay there if you want to"
"Love it."

I have loved you since i was 18Where stories live. Discover now