ARE THEY......?

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He stands up and leaves. I immediately grab my things and go with him.
"Liv, please i want to be alone now"
"Bad, i will not leave you alone"
"Why? I really want to get my thoughts clear now and i cant do that when you are with me"
"You can do it Josh, i know that. I know what you need now,  better than anyone else"
"No you don't. Its hard and you cant understand the pain"
"I do understand you Joshy. Its really hard hearing that your ex got a new one when you are definitely not over him or her for 100 %."
"You don't know that Olivia. Your story is different than mine. You don't know what i need" He starts to cry but tries to cover it.
I just smile and go in for a hug.
"You need me."

You are absolutely right. I want to kiss her right now but i know that's wrong and definitely not the right timing for making a move. I really need her right now, not even as my girlfriend but as my best friend who knows me better than i think and who cares about me . That's what she does. i don't know how long we stay here like this but that's not important. I put my hands around her waist and take my head away from her shoulder. I look deep into her pretty brown eyes. She just stands here, smiles and does the same thing. I cant do this anymore. To break this awkward silence, i give her a quick kiss on her forehead but its not meaningless. Its full of emotions, full of love.
"You see? I know what you need." She puts her head in her neck and smiles bigger than ever.
I just nod and smile down at her.
"I want to go home, wanna come with me?"
"sure, do you want me to be with you, or do you want Matt? I can call him if you want to"
"Liv, Liv, stop. I don't want anyone else to be with me."
She just smiles and we enter my car and drive back home.

I sit im my bed, nor knowing what to do, not knowing how to feel like, not knowing what to say. I am speechless. Why has Mia texted me about her relationship, i mean, why does she care? She didn't care the night she slept with him as well so why did she today? I don't know . I close my eyes and i can see her kissing Marco in front of me. I feel a deep pain and i cant control it anymore. I start to cry. I don't want to cry in front of Olivia but it's okay now. She enters my room in this moment> i think she wants to talk with me about it but no...
she jumps on my bed, slips under my blanket and comes close to me. My body moves without even trying to resist. I lay my arms around here while she puts hers around my waist and lays her head on my chest. My mood switches an so do my feelings. I never knew that its possible to change so fast. I now feel ... butterfly's... i am happy, feel safe and can be who ever i want to be.

she is asleep and it's already three o clock. We are going on a hike tomorrow, i need to sleep. I turn on my alarm.... 3 missed calls from Claire. I don't want to talk about these thing right now. I just text her that i know everything and that she told me earlier. I put my phone on the table and go back to Olivia. She is an angel. We cuddle and i feel that i get tired and.....

"JOSH? LIV? ARE YOU AWAKE?" I can only hear someone screaming but i know that its Frankie who wants to go. Shit. Its already ten. We really need to hurry.
"Olivia, wake up beauty. We only have 15 minutes left to get ready." She instantly wakes up and jumps out of the bed, in her room and changes. I do so as well.
"Yes, Frankie give us three more minutes." I scream with my toothbrush in my mouth.

We were late but they waited. I drove the cast car and we all sung HSM songs. Olivia sat next to me and we made eye contact every time I could get my eyes away from the street. It was pretty amazing and I hope that no one saw how often we did this.
Tim and Kate arrived only five minutes after us.
Tim seems to know where we are going but we definetly don't. We just walk around here and talk about filming, life and other fun stuff.
"Josh, what's up?" Olivia asks and puts her arm around mine as we walked on.
"Nothing. What about you? Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, im fine. Have.... uhm.... Are you thinking about her?"
"Not really, i mean, she is on my mind but i am just confused. I don't know why she tells me that they are a couple now."
"Joshy, i don't understand that too. I would not do that. It is rude and i saw how sad you were yesterday..."
"I wasn't sad.... just... confused "
"Yeah i know but i hope that i helped you yesterday"
"Livy, you helped me more than anyone else. You were the best supporter and i am so thankful for you" She just smiles and we hug. But this time its more intense than ever. I pull her close to my chest, i feel her hand on my back and it feels amazing.
"Come on Jolivia" screams Frankie
"Jolivia?" Olivia asks> I don't know what this means aswell. We run all the way to the others.

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