Audition VOL 2

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Hey, from now on there is going to be not just Olivias or Joshua POV , i will put both of them in every chapter. Hope you like it
I am ready with my makeup. Kinda boring but its me. My mom is waiting in the car. My manager already joined her. They are just waiting for me to come down. I'm soooo nervous. I grab my stuff and go down to my moms car. Both of them smile at me. They give me so much hope.

We arrive at the studio. It's more crowded than i have thought. Too many beautiful girls to count. Most of them are older than me. I think some know me. One put on a very derisive smile. I'm glad my mom is always by my side. I literally could not breathe without her. Knowing that in a few hours i am going to stand in front of the producers without my mom, scares me. It's not like i need her but i feel very much more comfortable knowing her behind me. We sit down.


Nini 1. 2. 3. 4....
I haves seen many many Ninis until now. The were all talented and good but no one really convinced me and i think Tim feels the same. He is always smiling but never saying anything except "That was good. We will let you hear if you made it. Thanks". Tim told me earlier in the morning that there should be chemistry between the Nini and me. That's why he wanted me to be here too. Makes sense. It is kinda boring sitting here and watching all the girls. No one fits. There were many beautiful girls but they weren't talented. The talented girls never fit in with my thoughts on Nini. Seems like they don't fit with Tims expectations, too. Pretty boring.

2 hours later. All Ninis already auditioned, except...

"Olivia Rodrigo!"

"Last one, best one" i say to Tim. He nods. Then she walks in. A maybe 16 year old, beautiful girl. Long, dark hair and the prettiest smile i have ever seen. She is my idea of Nini. I look at Tim. His smile got bigger when she came in. I think we are thinking the same: If she can sing, she is the one.

Tim started talking to her. I can tell that she is so nervous. I make eye contact with her and said quietly "You got this". She smiles. Wow.

*Hey. Please introduce yourself*
* I am Olivia Rodrigo. I am 15 years old and live in LA. I have already been the lead on "Blizaardvark" with Madison Hu and i have been the lead in an American girl movie when i was younger. Right now, i am filming the last few episodes of Blizaardvark and i am writing songs in my free time after work. I have posted some covers on my instagram as well. Yeah, I guess that's it.*

Her smile is the most precious thing i have ever seen. Tim told her to start auditioning. She is amazing. Her voice fits. These eyes. Damn. How could someone be this beautiful.

*Thanks Olivia. We would like to hear you and Joshua together. Lets start with your scene again but now with Josh and then you two have the opportunity to prepare a song for like 5 minutes and present it to us. That's ok?"

"Sure" she says and smiles at me. I literally cant stop smiling too.

I think our scene went awesome. We go into the little room to prepare a song.

*So first, hey i am Joshua. I am playing Ricky in the series. Olivia you killed it!"
* Thanks, that's so sweet. What do you want to sing."
* Maybe "count on me" by Bruno mars?*
* i barely know the lyrics but lets try.*


That was amazing. Our voice work so good together. He is so talented..... and his brown and messy hair is so cute. I really hope they liked it but Tim said that i was fabulous.

I am walking to my back to my mom. I see her walking down the hallways. I can tell that she is more nervous than me. I open the door.

*Livy, how was it? I heard you singing. I am so proud baby. Who was the male voice?*
* Thanks mom. It was incredible. He is playing Ricky. This boy is so talented. Can i tell you more when we are sitting in the car? I'm starving!*

We start walking. I heard footsteps behind me

*Olivia, hey, wait! You forgot your phone in the room. I think you need it.*
* Thank you some much. See you soon*
* Yeah, see you...... by the way, you did amazing.*
* thanks, you did too.*

We turn back around and walk back to our car. My mom smiled the whole way to the car.

*Mom, what's going on? You are smiling like crazy! Tell me*

" Hey baby im soooooo proud of you!" Said a very familiar voice from the back. It is my boyfriend Ethan.
I kiss him quick. He is so sweet. He can not stop making me smile.


I am home after a looong day. I skipped dinner so i can got to sleep now. I try to keep my eyes closed and my head to stop thinking. But i cant. So i pull out my phone and open Instagram. I search for Olivia Rodrigo. There she is. Looking as good as this afternoon.
She is so beautiful.

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