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Daniel's House. Orlando, Florida.

"Who called him? Was it his father?"

"No. It wasn't a man. It was a woman; a young woman by the sound of her voice. Whatever she said mustn't have been anything good. It got him really upset."

Rebecca's gaze drifts towards the door which Colby had slammed shut behind him just a few minutes ago, wishing he'll just come back and tell them everything is fine. She doesn't need to know him for a year to know something is amiss. She had hit a trigger earlier by asking about WWE but even then he hadn't walked out of the house and neither did he look like he wanted to dig up a hole in the earth and crawl inside. He was hurting about something and all she wants to do now is bolt out of the house and go to comfort him.

'But maybe he wants to be alone. What if my mere presence irritate him? I'll be doing more harm than good.'

"And here I was thinking we're going to drink a bottle of wine to say goodbye," Daniel's voice breaks through her thoughts. She turns around to find him retrieving two bottles of wine from the cabinet. "Colby told me this morning both of you will be setting off tomorrow or the day after if he succeeds in convincing you to call your family." He sets one bottle before her, taking the other to his side of the table. "I took out these bottles of wine today so we can toast over dinner. See how the night turned out."

His gaze remains fixed on her all the while he is opening the foil of the bottle with a wine opener, eyeing the way her fingers twitches anxiously in her lap. He taps the table with the wine opener to gain back her attention. "Instead of you to be sitting there worrying about him, why don't you get out there and check on him? You can take the bottle of wine along with you."

"He might want to be alone," Rebecca offers, shaking her head. "I don't want to be a bother to him."

Daniel smiles assuredly, "You won't be, trust me. He'll appreciate your company and wine wasn't exactly made to be enjoyed all alone. Besides, he's been gone for ages. I'm certain he's had more than enough time to himself."

She was about to protest he hasn't even been gone for thirty minutes but then realize Daniel is probably saying that for her benefit, gently coaxing her to go to him. Although he hasn't said anything, it's pretty obvious he's worried about him too. Daniel and Colby had formed a bond rather quickly for two people who know so little about each other. But now she realize it's because Colby is that much of a nice person himself; always warm, kind and ready to listen.

Her fingers closes around the smooth square shape of the wine bottle, considering her options. She can't stay in the house all night fretting over him and perhaps Daniel is right; maybe Colby does need company. It won't hurt her to take the risk. If he shouts at her and ask her to leave, then she will. But she won't stay inside the house and dwell on maybes and ifs. "I don't exactly have a great taste in wine so I'll probably go to him and ask for his opinion. When I go back home, I'll buy the same thing if it's good."

Daniel had already poured himself a glass of wine when he turns up a crooked smile at her, "I'm not an expert in wine either so Colby might be our only saviour. Take the wine opener with you and stray away from the woods. You don't want coyotes chasing you. I'm certain he's by the river."

Rebecca nods and rushes back inside the room for a blanket which she wraps tightly around her. She takes the wine opener from Daniel and quickly grabs the bottle, stepping out into the chilly night. The moon above casts a pale glow on her path as she walks to where the trees huddle together in dark shapes. Daniel's house is a bright beacon when she glances back to take one final look, contemplating on whether she should turn back and avoid making a fool of herself or continue walking.

Spiraled ⚪⭐⚪⭐ (A Brollins Novel)✔Where stories live. Discover now