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Presenting his grades at an end of a term, wasn't a duty either Colby or his father actually looked forward to.

Past scenarios had been quite uneventful to say the least. Simply put, Colby learned at a very young age his father didn't care whether he got good grades or not. It didn't matter the tiniest bit to him the efforts and hard work he would always put into his studies and as the years went by, Colby found himself not the least troubled about his studies either for after all, who was he going to boast his brilliant grades to?

Perhaps his mother; but even she had worries of her own which Colby never had the faintest clue about, while Jon was simply never home to begin with. None of them mattered though because the only person Colby wanted to have his appreciation and pride, was his father. If he could receive just a pat on the shoulder like Jon often got when he did something pleasing once in a while, that would've been more than satisfying.

That was exactly what he'd been hoping for on that fateful day, on that bright, sunny afternoon in the quiet environs of his neighbourhood in Iowa, as he trotted down the narrow, empty street to his house, his grades clutched tight in a hand.

The 'open' tag was missing from the double doors of his favorite coffee shop that day, so were the cab drivers who were busy organizing yet another strike and protest against their company. Colby hadn't cared if the coffee shop wasn't open because he certainly didn't have the time for coffee that afternoon. He hadn't cared either if he would've to walk the long distance from his school to his house on foot due to the unavailability of cabs.

He couldn't even feel the strain in his legs until he'd reached the doorstep of his house but the ache in his bones and the knowledge that someone had stolen the wrist watch he'd starved and saved to buy, were insignificant to the anticipation of the reward he was about to receive if only his father fulfilled his end of the deal.

More than that, he was quite eager to show his mother he'd listened to her after all and studied hard that term. Long has it been since she'd pressured and advised him to improve in his lacking grades, only to have Colby disobey each time and follow his brother to one of his friend's house to learn and practice wrestling moves.

His mother would never blame him for his low grades. She'd always blame Jon instead, spend a good hour and a half lecturing him on how unsafe Jon is and what a negative effect he has on him. Colby always kept silent and listened while his mother rambled on but he never took each jab and insult against his brother too seriously nor did he ever mention any of it to Jon. But somehow, he always knew.

Jon and him were polar opposites while growing up. Be it food, sports, clothes, school, music and even girls, Jon's preferences were always different to Colby's. Everything Colby considered fun and eye-catching, Jon thought it childish and boring and school was at the very top of the lengthy list.

School had been Jon's least favorite thing when they were young. He simply viewed it a complete wastage of his time for according to him, he wasn't as smart as Colby was and if there was one, and the only thing Jon and Mercedes has in common, it was that they both found it difficult to get through twenty minutes of reading without itching. Hence, Jon never took his studies seriously and it wasn't long after getting into high school before he made it clear he wanted to enroll in the wrestling school down the corner of the street.

As expected, their father was livid at Jon's confession and that dinner that night turned into one of the numerous family affairs which started on a positive note and ended up leaving a bitter taste in everyone's mouth. Despite their father's requests and sometimes harsh commands, Jon continued to slip away more and more from school with each passing day. Colby cared more about Jon's grades than his brother ever did. And every time, Jon's grades will get so low, Colby is certain their father would lash him for it, he will be disappointed and relieved, when Jon only gets a sympathetic pat on the head and another plea from their father for him to study harder the next time.

Spiraled ⚪⭐⚪⭐ (A Brollins Novel)✔Where stories live. Discover now