Happy place rewrite im not sentimental I swear

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Iskall you will be the leader of combat.

Mumbo you will be the mole.

Iskall zoned out had they made the right decision. They took a bomb for their brother but, turned their back on him when they were needed the most. Agreeing to go to war with his friends ruined his relationship with his brother but, he could clear things back up soon as soon as he went to his brothers base.

As soon as he went to his brothers base he fell in a hole that wasn't there before and saw two name tags up ahead.

As soon as he broke a few blocks he started to question if this was right but, shrugged it off Ren wouldn't mind him being interested in what was happening with his relationship with Doc. Doc was very strict and powerful he had no reason to protect Ren. The thing is he had been ever since primary school.

As soon as they broke the last two blocks they saw Doc holding a sobbing Ren with a chair and noose behind the two. They were both crying. Iskall was in a panic Ren was always so sweet and never showed signs of wanting to take his life EVER. Iskall looked at themself and they knew that they were the reason this happened they launched into the air trying not to cry and failing miserably he typed into stress' messages I'm going to my base, please be there.

She didn't ask any questions she just took off into the air forgetting about a meeting with Mumbo. She landed in his base before she even thought about if she should ask why. Knowing it was urgent she started pacing back and forth. Mumbo texted sometime after she messaged back and shut off her communicator then went back to pacing.

Iskall landed when she powered her communicator on again. To ask them where they were of course. But she didn't have to Iskalls eyes only held sadness as they landed harshly on the concrete roof. They sat down and patted the spot next to them. Stress flew up and sat next to Iskall they grabbed her and started to cry into her shirt. She was shocked but started to rub his back and hum softly.

After a minute they calmed down and pulled away from her and curled up like a child. She continued to rub their back. They sadly told her "I ruined my relationship with my brother by choosing to fight with the G team instead of him. They wiped their tears on their knees and stress leaned into them and whispered. "Did you talk to him Iskall?"

No, but I-I did that to him I made him th-think he didn't mean anything to me because I don't know how to say I love you and I would trust you with my life.
They paused and sobs racked their body as they whispered
It was nearly too late he almost permadeathed.

She didn't say anything just leaned into them continued humming and rubbing their back.

after a few minutes

Time skip brought to you by buttocks the synonym to back LMFAO sorry, not funny I'll go

Iskall I know you will talk to him soon but, if you need me I'm a call away. If I can't get to the phone call Mumbo three times and leave a message each time if he doesn't pick up call Grian twice and leave a message.

She stated firmly like a mother with the same amount of fondness.

They noticed it was getting late so they separated the embrace from Stress and flew down and went to his bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.

Stress was about to fly back to her base when she saw Iskall holding a hoodie and some old sweatpants that would fit her and they spent the night together. Iskall sleeping on the floor and Stress on the bed.

Iskall woke up first and their heart started to race when he saw the pretty girl on their bed.
They tried not to wake her up when they took off.

They flew to his brother's house and knocked only to hear a clank of metal and a kiss is exchanged. He also heard an I love you he couldn't tell who said it. Doc came to the door and opened it. He walked away leaving the door open. Ren was out of bed already and Doc was out of sight.

They had a waterfall of words coming out of their mouth and a total wave of tears running down their face before they could even sit down. I'msorryInevermeanttohurtyouI - I IfIcausedthisI I'msosorryRen I LOVE YOU OK PLEASE DONT DO THAT AGAIN EVER DAMN IT!   They felt a hand on their back but, didn't pay it attention. 

The only thing they paid attention to was Ren running to them arms outstretched and the bone-crushing hug that followed.

A few hours later when he was about to leave

Doc grabbed him by the arm and when Ren wasn't looking told him that If he was ever against Ren he would go behind his team members backs and help him no matter what. Is all said I agree but, if Ren doesn't stand a chance we will try and win together. They shook on it and went their separate ways.

He called Stress then when she didn't pick up he started to worry so he called Mumbo when he didn't pick up they thought that the two forgot about him but, he left a message is they hopefully wouldn't. Or maybe they were on a date if they were that would devastate him. His best friend and crush together that would kill them.

They went back to his base and called Stress again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

She finally answered. "I'm waiting for Mumbo to let me have access to his farms but, he's AFK so what's the matter s-gorgeous."

I started to worry about you when neither you nor Mumbo picked up.

She laughed do you like me or something?

Yes, anywhere you go to bring optimism and you could go to a graveyard and it would be my happy place because you were there. They tried to breathe but their heart was bound their throat.

Iskall I never saw this side of you. Umm well I I I umm I have no clue what to say but, sweetheart I love you too. She was so shocked he returned the feelings she cold scream of happiness.

"Tonight my place again. If that's ok." They mumbled softly

Ok, see you soon. Mumbo's, not AFK anymore so,I have to let you go, bye sweetheart. She was so happy she couldn't feel her feet. Or see the look Mumbo was giving her.

"Bye cutie." They smiled to themself. Then hung up with a smile.

When they did they felt like they were on the top of the world.

1254 words

Sorry for the quality I'm tired and kinda burnt out.

Rewrites kill my soul

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