9 | Milly

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Part Nine:
A Little Decision To Never Go Shopping With Trevor Ever Again

Crossing my arms over my chest with an obvious scowl, I slouched further in my seat, refusing to acknowledge Trevor's brand new plan for Operation Get Milly A Boyfriend. After scoffing down a plate of twenty four hot wings between us, Trevor and I had stuck around at the food court, sipping on chocolate milkshakes and talking about anything and everything. It wasn't until right before we decided to call it a day that the senior boy threw me a curve ball, and made me want to run for the hills as fast as my feet would take me.

"No way," I scoffed, shaking my head in downright refusal. "There is no way I'm embarrassing myself like that!"

"What?" he whined with furrowed brows and and an over exaggerated pout. "How is that embarrassing? All you have to do is—"

"Ask three random strangers for their contact information!"

"Only their numbers," he argued.

I picked up a leftover bone from the plate, tossing it square at his face. "It's still weird, you creep!"

Chuckling, Trevor ducked to avoid the chicken bone as it catapulted towards his features. "It's only weird if you make it weird, Jones."

"Fine, jeez, just put a can in it already," I groaned in annoyance, letting my head drag behind me as I yanked myself out of the chair and towards the busiest part of the food court. I turned back towards the boy I'd left behind, squinting at him accusingly. "Also, ew, never call me my last name again."

He smirked as I retreated further away from him, walking backwards to give him my full attention, if only for a moment. "It's just weird coming from you."

"Whatever you say, Superstar," Trevor winked. "Stop stalling and go get yourself a man."

I sent him my dirtiest glare. "You suck."

Turning to face away from the dirty blond haired boy I'd left in my wake, I swallowed back what seemed to be all of my pride and decided that just this once, Trevor was right. I needed to put on my big girl pants and do something kind-of-fucking-crazy. There was no way I was ever going to get a boyfriend if I didn't come out of my shell and try.

However, the further we delved into the adventure that was supposed to be turning me into a dating machine, the more I wanted to call it quits and tell Trevor that, I'm sorry, but he's going to have to bring his grades up himself.

I wasn't cut out for the whole dating thing, in fact, I didn't know the first thing about it. What was the protocol for asking someone for their number? How did I go about it? How would I know who was interested and who wasn't? Should I just be catching people off guard and sort of backing them into a corner until they finally accept and cave, or should I be waiting for some sort of sign from the heavens that any human on earth could be even remotely interested in me?

I almost laughed at my own thoughts, there was no way any single boy within the perimeters of this mall was going to give me their number, and I knew it.

I turned to glance back at Trevor, noticing the way he was sitting perked up in his seat, his eyes solely on me as he bit his lip in a somewhat hopeful gesture of anticipation. He was rooting for me, and worse, he believed in me. Now that I'd officially given in to the boy, something I seemed to be doing more often then not these days, I couldn't say no.

I couldn't back out now. I had to see this through.

"Come on, Milly," I mumbled to myself, shaking out my hands and feet in an effort to hype myself for what I was about to put myself through. "You can do this. You can so do this. Just pick a boy, ask for his number. Easy."

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