15 | Milly

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Part Fifteen:
A Little Game of Volleyball

Monday morning came quicker than I could have hoped for, and though I had kept in touch with Trevor over the weekend, things had still been weird between us. It was my own fault, I knew it was. I shouldn't have ditched him to be with Jack, but I couldn't help it, it was like if it had something to do with the dark haired boy--I was unable to say no.

Trevor had been good about it though, he gave me space where I needed it, and supported my decisions no matter what, and at the end of the day, this is exactly what we had planned for. Our months of hard work were finally paying off, Jack was showing interest in me.

Only, now, I wasn't sure if I really wanted it.

"What's wrong?" the taller boy asked, nudging his shoulder against mine as we stood squished together on the bustling train that I wish we didn't take to school. I was currently jammed between Trevor and the wall, my back pressed right up against his chest, though, neither of us seemed to mind the close proximity. We hadn't minded being close to each other for a while now, which I figured was just our friendship getting deeper. This was how friends were with each other, right?

I pushed down the thoughts that plagued my mind, telling me that this was not, in fact, how friends treated each other. That this was so much more then just friends.

I shrugged, tilting my head back against his broad chest. I looked at him through an upside down perspective, my lips turning into a slight pout.

"I don't wanna have P.E. first up," I whined, crossing my arms over my chest.

He chucked. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I've got sport, too."

Groaning, I rolled my eyes. "But you like sport, so it doesn't count."

"I hear both of our classes are in the gym together today," he hummed, absentmindedly rubbing his hands up and down my arms as he gazed out the window, not paying much attention to his actions at all. Four months ago, I would have shrugged him off with squinted eyes and a scowl, today, however, I leaned further into his touch. "Maybe we'll be doing something together?"

"Maybe," I sighed in agreement. "Go easy on me if we are?"

Trevor grinned mischievously, sending a wink my way. "You wish."

We arrived at school not long after, Trevor and I walking so close to each other that with every step, our hands brushed and our shoulders touched. However, neither of us was bold enough to bring light to the situation, and so we continued on walking without bringing it up or mentioning the close contact at all.

Parting ways at my homeroom class, Trevor flicked my forehead as I reached up to poke his cheek. He swatted my hand away at the same time as I cringed, pretending to hate the way he so often tried to annoy me with touch. I entered my classroom a few moments later, only looking back at the senior boy once as I went. Pulling my lip between my teeth, a nervous habit that was only getting worse as the year went on, I made my way to the seat in the very back of the classroom, trying to be as far away from other people as I could.

It wasn't that I didn't like other people, or that other people didn't like me, it was simply that it was easier to spend time alone then it was to get close to people. I'd had a small group of friends in my freshmen year, but it seemed that even that minimal amount of people was too much to keep up with, and I ended up pushing them away in fear that I would only get hurt anyway.

Love and Other Chemistry ♡ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now