19 | Milly

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Part Nineteen:
A Little First Time

Trevor's words rang loud and clear in my head, echoing around in my brain as we lay in his bedroom studying, a silent reminder that I wasn't the only one feeling this way. My heart thundered away in my chest as I recalled the way he had so effortlessly grazed his fingers across my tender skin, his eyes seeming to focus on nothing but me. Trevor won all of the awards. He made me feel like perfection.

Those marks prove that you were mine, even if it was only for a moment.

I shuffled closer to the dirty blond boy, earning a questioning side glance from him as I continued about my business, chewing on the end of my pen and pretending like I hadn't noticed.

This had become a periodic thing since arriving back at his house. We set up our study-session in his bedroom, Trevor lying splayed out on the floor while I took residence in his bed. Not even half an hour into our note taking and revision, he had thrown his books onto the opposite side of his comforter before climbing up himself. A full sixty seconds later, I found myself unable to get the thought of his lips on my skin from my mind, and ended up going from a seated position, to lying on my stomach, my feet dangling in the air and my face much nearer to him. Five minutes later,  Trevor leaned his shoulders against mine, and then a full thirty seconds after that, chose to lay down on his stomach beside me, his legs tangled in mine and his cheek mere inches from my own.

It wasn't until half past five in the afternoon, when we had finally decided we'd had enough of the periodic table and literature, that things seemed to shift entirely. It started with Trevor moving around yet again in the bed, placing himself in front of the pillows with his legs stretched out in front of him and his eyes focused on me. Glancing up at him from my literature notes, I cocked my head to to the side in puzzlement.

After the space of three heart beats, when Trevor still hadn't given me a reason as to why he was gazing at me so . . . strangely, I began to feel squeamish and to be honest, slightly uncomfortable--but even worse, I couldn't look away.

My heart pounded painfully against my ribcage, but the good kind of ache that makes you feel like you're about to jump off a cliff into a deep body of water or drop dramatically on a rollercoaster. My breath became bated the longer we looked at each other, and soon enough, I found my bottom lip wedging its way between my teeth.

Trevor's eyes flickered to mouth, his eyebrows raising ever so slightly as he perked up at the small, yet suggestive gesture. And just like that, an unsaid agreement passed between us, and the air shifted again.

The blue eyed boy reached for my hand, which I took without thought, before pulling me up from my place on his bed and guiding me slowly towards him. His eyes never once wavered from my own, making me a flustered mess under his gaze. All it took was two strategic placements of my knees, and I was suddenly straddling Trevor Zegras on his king sized bed, one had clasped firmly in his grip, while the other settled like second nature on his shoulder, making it near impossible not to grip the fabric of his shirt.

He tilted his chin to keep his attention focused on me, his eyes fluttering once again towards my lips at half mast, and before I knew it, all I could think about was the way his mouth would feel against my own.

Right up until this point, we had done a pretty good job of keeping anything remotely physical away from the intimate side of things. Sure, Trevor had kissed my neck in a lingerie change room, but he'd made a point to stay well away from my lips, and besides, as turned on as that had left me feeling--it had nothing on right now.

With an adoring gaze so intense I thought I might crumble on the spot, Trevor let his free hand glide effortlessly over the skin of my spine, at first above my blouse, but within moments, his fingers were diving beneath the fabric and sending me into a fit of short-lived breaths and barely-there gasps.

Love and Other Chemistry ♡ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now