12 | Milly

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Part Twelve:
A Little Not So Innocent Kiss

I stormed through the doors of the ice rink, my breath lost to me as I panted hard, trying to regain a regular heartbeat and a normal pace of breathing. I was so late that I'm surprised he was even still waiting around for me. I caught sight of his lean figure and body covered by a Iona jersey almost instantly, zoning in on him and making a direct beeline for the boy I so desperately wanted to see.

"Jack," I breathed, watching as his eyes lit up at the sight of me barrelling towards him. He opened his arms for me, bending slightly at the knees and awaiting my embrace with the sweetest grin I'd ever seen from the boy. "I'm so sorry that I'm late!"

He wrapped his arms around the small of my back, holding me close by the waist and spinning me around and around, chuckling blissfully.

"It's okay, beautiful," he grinned, leaning forwards to press his forehead to my own. "You know I could never be mad at you."

Giggling brightly, I let my arms come to rest on the pectoral muscles of his chest as Jack let me down gently, planting my feet firmly back on the ground with a sigh. He used both hands to cup my cheeks in a way I swore I'd felt by someone else before. The way his fingers glided over the hallows of my cheeks and bone of my jaw felt so familiar yet I couldn't place who else it could possibly be to have touched me this way.

"My sweet girl," he whispered, tracing the outline of my lower lip with his thumb. "Can I kiss you?"

With a bright grin and flushed cheeks, I let my glaze flicker to his. "Of course you can, silly."

And his lips were on mine in seconds, kissing me in a way I didn't realise could have me weak at the knees in moments, yet here I was. I used both hands to clutch at his jersey, trying to bring him as close to me as possible while also using him as a way of holding my own weight up. If I let go of Jack now, I'd surely collapse.

The way his lips felt against mine and the subtle taste of mint chewing gum and chocolate had me working on overdrive. I let out an involuntary whimper, which in turn allowed Jack to deepen our kiss, using his tongue to explore every inch of my mouth with curiosity. A swarm of butterflies or wasps or maybe just a whole damn zoo erupted deep in he pit of stomach, and quickly spread to my chest.

I pulled away for a fraction of a second, if only to take a well deserved breath. Flickering my eyes to his, I longed to see the way his swollen lips glistened and his chest heaved up and down by something as simple as kissing me.

I took in every inch of his features, the lines of sweat still on his neck from practice, his sharp jawline and perfect olive skin. The pliable lips I had the pleasure of kissing and his beautiful dirty blond hair that was so perfectly lined with curls. Lastly, I gazed longingly at his bright blue eyes, noticing the way they were no longer that shimmering sky blue tone, but instead, a deep ocean blue with hooded lids that proved to me the way the kiss we'd shared really had him feeling.

I had been wrong before. It wasn't Jack who I was kissing so passionately.

"Trevor," I whispered, bringing my arms up to wrap around his neck, my fingers immediately finding their way into the ends of his hair.

"Lift up for me, princess," he murmured, letting his lips graze mine as he dragged them down the skin of my jaw, planting his open mouth on my neck as I tilted my head back, allowing him access. I sprung off the rubber floor of the rink, lifting myself up to wrap both legs around Trevor's narrow waist. He brought his hands to the space below my thighs, gripping tightly to support my weight against him as he sucked lightly on the sensitive space below my ear, no doubt leaving his mark.

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