Chapter 47-Top or bottom?

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Writing these make me sad cuz I don't have a partner...

I'm lonely someone date me please


*Virgil POV*

I woke up to the sound of quiet laughter and slowly opened my eyes, sitting up and seeing Logan and Patton lying side by side on Patton's bed, holding their hands in the air.

"Hey, losers." I said, yawning. They sat up in unison and smiled at me. "You and Roman all okay now?" Patton asked cheerfully. "Uh... yeah. Thanks." I said, blushing a little. "And I think it would be safe to assume that you two had a good time while we were away." Logan said and in teasing tone and I frowned.

"Why... are you both looking at me like that?" I asked cautiously and they grinned, falling back into bed again without further elaboration. Confused, I looked around to see if anything was off. My eyes landed on the bottle that Roman had summoned along with the condoms.

Oh shit, we had forgotten to put it away.

"Guys, no, wait, this... we didn't... I mean, we..." I stammered while quickly shoving the bottle into the drawer, my face tomato red. "We get it, Virgie. You don't need to be shy about it." Patton laughed, tucked into his boyfriend with his head on Logan's chest. "I'm not... being..." I sighed and gave up, collapsing back into bed and into Roman's arms. He was still asleep.

"Yeah, you just sleep away while I deal with the teasing." I muttered, pinching his cheek. He frowned a little and shook my hand off, then buried his face into my shirt. I smiled and held him tightly, my heart almost flatlining at how cute he was.

"Virge." Patton whisper-shouted at me after a minute or so. I tried to ignore him. "Virge, Virge, Virge." He whispered again, and when I didn't respond, I heard him try to convince Logan to call for me.

Eventually, Logan sighed in defeat. "Virgil, Patton has something he would like to ask you." Logan said and I rolled my eyes. "What?" I asked without turning to face them.

"It's a very random question but are you a top or bottom?" Patton asked, his voice very innocent and serious. I flushed and pulled Roman closer to me, refusing to answer the question.

"Come on, Virge, I made a bet with Logan." Patton pleaded. "You made a bet on that? That's none of your business! I thought you were supposed to be the moral one out of the four of us!" I complained, my face a spicy shade of red. "Please, please, please, please, sweetie pleaseeeee?" Patton pestered me.

"Which do you think I am?" I sighed, exasperated but also kind of curious. "Logan thinks you're a top. I bet bottom." Patton said. "Logan?" I said. "Yes?" Logan replied. "You owe Patton." I smirked a little.



Patton and Logan shouted.

"Honestly, why the hell would you guys make a bet on that?" I laughed. "Sorry, we were curious." Patton apologized sheepishly. "You guys are lucky I'm in a good mood right now." I said, nuzzling Roman's hair then kissing his forehead.

"Virge..." Roman mumbled and I pulled away a little so I could see his face. "You awake? I asked softly and he opened his eyes sleepily, blinking a few times before staring up into my eyes.

"Good morning." He murmured with a lopsided grin and I laughed. "It's not morning, dumbass." I said. "Oh. Lost track of time. I'm not a dumbass, by the way. I have a fabulous ass. You would know." Roman said, yawning.

"Roman!" I flushed, hoping that the other two hadn't heard him. "What? I do have a bodacious backside." Roman said, still a little drowsy from sleep. "Please shut up, Princey." I muttered, pulling him back into my arms.

"Are Patton and Logan home yet?" He asked, yawning again against my chest. "Yeah." I replied. Roman kissed my cheek before sitting up and rubbing his eyes, his face brightening up into a smile when he saw Patton and Logan.

"Hello, you commoners! Did you miss me last night?" Roman boomed. "YES I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." Patton yelled while Logan said, "Frankly, not so much. I was more concerned about Virgil, who looked like he would faint any second, thanks to you."

"Ah, trying to fight me again, Logan, huh? Well, as much as it would disappoint you, I shall argue with you no more, as that is what my dear boyfriend Virgil wishes for me. I plan to try and get along with you, even though it may be a difficult journey." Roman announced and I smiled a little from where I lay on the bed. "That is very thoughtful of you, and I too, shall cooperate, since Patton does not like conflict." Logan replied.

"Yay!" Patton clapped happily and I looked up at Roman who glanced down at me, beaming. "Did I do good? Did I make you happy?" He whispered and I sat up, laughing a little. "Yeah, I'm satisfied. I don't think for a second that the peace will last, but it's the thought that counts, I guess." I said and kissed him lightly.

"I thought you said no kissing in front of Patton and Logan." Roman murmured with a teasing smile. "Oh, I'm sure they didn't see us. They're busy." I said, gesturing at the other two who were kissing passionately, Logan's glasses ditched onto the bed already.

"Huh. I feel like they're trying to beat us at 'who's the better couple'. I can't allow them to win." Roman frowned. "I'm pretty sure that's not what they're doing—"

I made a sound of surprise as Roman tilted my head up and kissed me, his hands soft on my skin. "WAIT!" I hissed and he pulled back immediately, his eyes wide. "Your bed. I'm not kissing you where they can see. That's weird." I said. "Okay, Sunshine." Roman grinned and we went up to his bed.

After that? Let's just say that all four of us had a fun time.

...And we found that we were capable of using silencing spells as well as summoning spells. So... yeah, that was used as well.

Because Roman was singing too loudly, of course.

Honestly, what were y'all thinking?

Really tho what were yall thinking

M'kay I'm outta here 


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