Chapter 30-Kiss in the rain

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Why is Logicality so hard to write :0

Enjoy :)

*Patton POV*

"Loooooogan!" I shouted and threw myself into my boyfriend's waiting arms, smiling as he laughed and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so tired." I sighed. "I know, honey. Let's go home." Logan murmured against my temple, holding me tight. I nodded and kissed him before pulling away with a smile.

We walked back to dorm hand in hand, talking and complaining about our day. The sun was starting to set and the sky was a lovely shade of yellow and orange and pink.

I leaned against Logan and he blushed, the sky reflected in his brown eyes as he glanced at me. He seemed even more beautiful than usual, which was almost too much for anyone to handle.

After the long day it felt like I had about three or four brain cells left. Five at the most. Regretting nothing, I used them all up to attach my lips to Logan's before melting into the kiss and letting my mind roam free.

Logan, of course, always had an endless supply of brain cells. He flushed and pulled me into an alley where we could kiss in private rather than in the middle of the street. I almost tumbled over a rock but Logan caught me before I fell over, his hands on my waist.

"Patton, Roman and Virgil—" He started to say and was interrupted when I kissed him again. "Just a few minutes." I whispered, searching his eyes. "A few minutes should be fine." Logan agreed and leaned in to kiss me, pushing my glasses up so they weren't in the way.

I took advantage of Logan's button-up shirt and quickly unbuttoned it, my hands mapping the shape of him. He gave a small sigh of pleasure and kissed me harder, his fingers in my hair and under my shirt.

Sadly, Logan seemed to have a timer planted into his brain because he pulled back far too soon for my liking and kissed the tip of my nose. "We should get going now." Logan murmured, caressing my face. I pouted but nodded in agreement, knowing that he was right.

"I love you, Patton." Logan said and kissed me once more when he saw that I was a little grumpy. It instantly made me feel better and I kissed him back, smiling broadly. "I love you too." I said and helped him button his shirt up, fighting the urge to pull it off his shoulders.

"The weather forecast said it was going to rain tonight." Logan said, looking up at the clear sky. "Looks like they were wrong." I said. "Not too surprised. They're never very accurate." Logan grumbled. "I'm sure they're all trying their best. We can't know everything." I said and he smiled at me.

"Well, I'm glad it's not raining because I left my umbrella at—" Logan started to say then looked up in confusion when a drop of water hit his nose. "Oh yay, the weather forecast was right!" I exclaimed as rain started to pour. "You look far too excited, Patton!" Logan shouted, looking around for cover.

He held my hand and we ran over to a small nearby cookie store. We tried the door but it was locked so we just stood there dripping wet, the overhang providing meager cover from the rain and wind.

"Patton, I'm sorry, I should have brought the umbrella with me from class. I thought it wouldn't rain." Logan sighed, leaning back on the wall. "It's okay. I'm sure it'll stop raining soon." I comforted him, pulling him into my arms. "I really don't think it will." Logan muttered.

"Hey now, don't be grumpy!" I scolded. "I'm not being grumpy, I'm being realistic." He insisted. "Well, maybe you should try to be a little bit more idealistic!" I said, kissing his cheek. "Idealism is not my specialty." Logan grumbled, blushing.

"Fine, then I'll try to be a little bit more realistic. Maybe it'll rain for a long time and maybe we'll both catch a cold but we're together right? I like being alone with you. And I've always wanted to be kissed in the rain." I smiled and he blushed.

"You're right. God, I'm so stupid. I'm sorry—" Logan said, running a hand through his hair. "You're not usually this sorry." I giggled, taking his cool hands in mine and warming them up.

"I'm not usually this wrong about so many things." Logan sighed, dropping his chin onto my shoulder. I smiled and hugged him, pleased that Logan was leaning onto me instead of keeping everything trapped in his head and trying to work through everything by himself.

He pulled back a little to stare at me then leaned in again to kiss me, taking me by surprise. "If you wanted to be kissed in the rain, why didn't you just say so? It's rained plenty of times before." Logan murmured against my lips. "Well... I was kind of waiting for it to happen naturally instead of dragging you out into the rain and making you kiss me." I grinned.

"Well, you got your wish." Logan said. "Hey, no, this doesn't count! This was more of a peck on the lips." I protested. "I beg to differ. The definition of 'kiss' in the dictionary is 'a touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting'. So technically, I did kiss you." Logan said, looking pleased with himself. "You're like a walking dictionary." I giggled and pulled him in for a real kiss. A kiss that I was much more satisfied with this time.

Logan smiled and parted his lips to mine, tasting like rain and tic tac. "Tic tac?" I asked, laughing. "I didn't want to taste like sandwiches. Mint?" Logan raised an eyebrow. "I didn't want to taste like eggs." I giggled. We were both still dripping wet but it didn't matter, and I barely noticed the fact that I was cold.

Logan of course, noticed right away. "Patton, your hands are cold." He murmured. "Maybe we should run back home." I sighed. "Or we could just take the logical way out and call Virgil and Roman." Logan rolled his eyes and took his phone out. "Ohhh." I buried myself into Logan's chest for warmth as he called our roommates.

"What do you want?" Virgil answered the phone. "Greetings to you too. I called because it is raining out here and we do not have an umbrella. We would appreciate it if you could come and pick us up." Logan said, holding me tightly. "Roman, is it raining outside?" I heard Virgil shout. "Yeah, it's raining cats and dogs and unicorns!" Roman shouted back.

Logan looked very confused. "Falsehood. I can confirm that cats and dogs and unicorns are not falling out of the sky. I can also state with confidence that unicorns are not real. They are a species created solely from imagina—" Logan began to say and was cut off by Virgil.

"Okay, okay, I get it! We'll go get you guys. Where are you?" He asked. "We're..." Logan looked around, trying to find a landmark of some sort. I reached for the phone and Logan handed it to me.

"Hey kiddo, it's me. Yeah, I'm fine. Virge, you know the street you sometimes take a walk in at dawn? Yeah, the one with rosebushes. And you know the store that sells cookies? No, not the oatmeal ones. Yeah, the chocolate chip ones that you like. Yeppers. We're there. No, the store is closed, I'm sorry. I'll get you cookies next time. M'kay, love you."

Logan stared at me in awe and I stared back, confused. "Why... are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "You're just... you're just so... you're so sweet." Logan said. "Aww, thank you! What made you think that?" I asked, holding his hands.

"How did you know Virgil takes walks here at dawn?" Logan laughed, shaking his head. "I followed him out because I was worried. He comes here to get chocolate chip cookies." I told him, smiling.

"This is why I love you." Logan smiled back and kissed me lightly, ruffling my hair affectionately. "It's so hard to believe that you found it so hard to touch me at first." I laughed, leaning my head against his shoulder. "Is that so?" Logan mumbled, blushing.

"Yeah, you wouldn't even hold my hand." I laughed, thinking back to how I had reached for his hand on our first date and Logan had gone as red as a tomato and refused to hold my hand. It took about an hour to convince him that we were far away enough from school and that nobody would recognize us.

"I do not recall." Logan said stiffly, flushing red. "Oh please, you remember everything. There's no way you don't remember our first date. By the way, I love it when you flush." I said and he turned his face away from me in embarrassment, running a hand through his hair.

"HELLO, FELLOW FRIENDOS. FEAR NOT, FOR I HAVE COME TO YOUR RESCUE!" Roman's voice boomed through the streets. I squinted through the rain and saw two silhouettes hurrying over. 

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