Chapter 30 Talk 2

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*Kuoh Academy, Morning*
Zane looks around the tree before sitting down.

"If your here on behalf your master's order then speak before I ignore you." Zane says.

"Why did 'The Forgotten Ones' attack the underworld?" Koneko asks.

"What they do isn't our concern. I'm sure they said that what they do has nothing to do with us unless you get us involved." Zane says.

"Your hiding something." Koneko says.

"Oh? Tell me what it is." Zane smirks.

"Tell us about those machines he brought in the underworld." Koneko demands.

"Even if I told you, there is no record about them. They weren't used since the three way war ended before they could make an appearance." Zane states.

"Then how did your King find them?" Koneko asks.

"Her mentor showed her the key. She found the location." Zane says.

"Where is the location?" Koneko asks.

"Don't know." Zane states.

"What?" Koneko says in surprise.

"I just said I don't know you stupid cat." Zane says.

Koneko looks mad about Zane's comment.

"Besides, even if I were to tell you, you and the rest of pathetic peerage of your king aren't strong enough to make through the defenses. You'll all die before you set foot in that place." Zane smirks.

"We'll see." Koneko says.

"Oh! Tell your King this message. Our King and her mentor has found two of the three. Once we find the third one, no one will stand in our way. Even the Khaos Brigade will crumble beneath our might." Zane tells Koneko as he stands up. "The Khaos Brigade is only in the way of my King's mentor and his peerage revenge."

Zane walks away as Koneko looks at him.

"What did that message mean? Two of the three have been found? If they find the third one, no one will stand in thier way. It seems like whatever the three are must be powerful." Rias states.

"It's not surprising what the forgotten ones and Red Death and her peerage have. Mermaid princess, machine army, Ra, people on thier side, dragons that were in hiding. There's no tell what they could do." Azazel says while rubbing his chin.

"I doubt they are planning anything. It's the forgotten ones that we have to worry about in thier alliance." Rias says.

"Yes but remember, Red Death and her peerage are supplying the forgotten ones. Those machines were deadly to both parties. The Khaos Brigade and the three fractions were being killed by the machines. If it weren't for the higher classes, our numbers would've dropped rapidly." Azazel says.

"So what can we do? If we try anything, they'll attack. Red Death backed us in the corner. The forgotten ones are advancing quickly. It's like whatever they were doing before their alliance, actually set up one big game." Rias sighs.

"We could follow them." Koneko suggests.

"No. The first time we did that, Akeno and Tsubaki were defeated brutally. I can't risk that." Rias says.

"And the trip to Kyoto will split them up. However, that what worries me." Azazel says.

"Most of them will likely do whatever in Kyoto while we have to figure out what the Khaos Brigade are planning." Rias says.

"The ones that'll stay are gonna do what they did while we were in the underworld. They seemed to be happy about something. And it's not the good kind of happy." Azazel states.

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