42| Victims not Villains

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Why was there so much pain?

Just end me. 

End it all. 

Just let... me... die...

My head bounced against the floor. I heard a wheezing sound of an animal — a sound which turned out to be mine. 

What was happening? 

I felt the energy that left me return and my vision grew alert of my surroundings once again. Robin was grappling with someone, that particular someone didn't have the upper hand. Because, as soon as they threw themselves onto Robin again, Robin stumbled to recovery and drew his hand out. Then, the figure with golden hair grew still again. 

Yoan's not dead! He's not dead!

Yoan let out a moan, trying hard to shift his body but Robin held him on the floor. 

"Aqua, dear," Professor May gestured with her hand. Aqua began to move, gripping an icicle in her hands. However, I saw the uncertainty in Aqua's blue eyes. She looked back at Professor May. 

"Remember who they are," Professor May had a softness in her voice. She walked closer to Aqua, touching her shoulder tenderly while she looked at Yoan was disgust. "They're murderers. It's a hard thing to do but you're doing the right thing."

Aqua looked at May one last time and nodded. Professor May walked away to give them space while Robin turned to look the other way, removing his force away. 

Yoan began moving again, attempting another attack. But before he could, Aqua plunged her icicle inside Yoan's chest. 


A wisp was caught too late by anyone. A bullet was flying and it struck Aqua in the temples. 

I could hear screaming, gasps, panicked orders being thrown back and forth. People began to flood out from different corners and I wasn't sure who they were. I was too weak to care. 

I laid still, my eyes closed as I let the havoc happen. 

Someone touched my shoulder, "Oh God! Cassie! Cassie, wake up!"

I opened my eyes and I was met with a pair of concerned dark gaze. 

"Thank Goodness! Alright, we gotta go. Come on!"

Alsa dragged me from the floor and threw my arm over her shoulder. "Come on, girl, you're doing good."

She took Reflecta from the table and we stumbled across the warehouse. I heard an explosion nearby and the sound of glass shattering. 

"Y-Yoan..." I finally seemed to wake up.

"What was that?"

"Yoan," I tried to speak louder, "We need to get Yoan. He..." I pointed back. "He's hurt..."

"We need to get you out first."

We stumbled to a small area and she let me sit down gently, sensing that I was leaning more and more of my weight on her. She kneeled in front of me and began checking for wounds and broken bones. 

"Alsa... how come you're here?"

"Who do you think does the tracking?" Her eyes danced along my body, breathing a small sigh of relief when she realised I wasn't hurt. "How are you feeling? Any pain?"

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