32| We Held a Screaming Competition

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"Cassie! Wake up! Cassandra!"

I awoke, dazzled and dizzy. Vel was shaking my shoulders viciously. Out of shock, I sat up and bumped into her head. 

"Ouch!" Vel stumbled back, rubbing her head. 

"So sorry!" I did the same. "What's happening?"

Vel didn't start explaining much. She simply grabbed my clothes and threw them at me. "Put on your battle clothes." Vel dashed out of my side of the tent and went to hers, rummaging for her jacket. 

I slipped on everything with alarming speed, knowing from Vel's panicked expression that something was up. I looked outside the tent fabric, wincing my eyes. There was an orange glow; the auburn light dancing across my vision. 

I grabbed Reflecta, my phone and Marty's healing potion, and made a dash outside. Zipping open the tent, the first thing we noticed was the warmth. The air was too hot. 

Next, was the smell that stung our nose and burned my throat. My eyes watered upon the smokey sight. 

The forest was on fire. 


Vel and I tried to seek out our troop members in the crowd. It didn't take long before we saw Julian waving wildly at the others to retreat. 

"This way!" He said, bending down to cough. 

"Julian!" I ran to his side, holding his shoulder to grab his attention. The fire roared and the wind brought them to the trees. 

"Cassandra, t-that..." he coughed again, with his finger still pointing to one side. He gave me a forceful push. 

"Julian, you need to get out of here." I grabbed him but he shook his head, pulling up his bandana to cover the smoke. 

"Have to... stay..." 

"No, Julian, you've done enough," Vel spoke up and looked around for help. But everyone else was running towards the safety zone. I also knew that Vel and I couldn't last long here with all the heat and smoke. 

My eyes danced across the flames, the trees, the darkness... and I spotted the girl with familiar, curly ponytails. 

"Tracy!" I coughed, blocking my nose with my elbow and sprinted to her. "Tracy!" 

Tracy snapped her head around, her brows crashed together when I grabbed her by the arm. She tried to swing off my grip but my grip was locked. I gave another forceful jerk and urged her to follow me. 

"It's Julian! He needs to get out of here! He's been here for too long!"

I knew Tracy heard me because I sensed Tracy pick up her pace and as we neared Vel and Julian, who was already kneeling on the floor, Tracy didn't need me to drag her anymore. She was running, faster than I was and was at Julian's side in an instant. 

"Julian, are you mad!" She shouted, tore him away from the ground made a dash for the cooler parts. "I got this! Alright?"

I let out a series of coughs, pulling up my bandana to block the smoke. Vel and I ran in the same direction as Julian, losing sight of them.

"I have no idea where..." Vel had to stop to breathe, "...where we're going."

Suddenly, someone grabbed me by the arm. I snapped around, my hand already reaching for Reflecta. 

"It's me!" Ted was waving at me, getting my attention. I felt a chill run down my back, I looked behind me for an escape route, if I needed one. All I spotted was Will, who spoke to Vel in an urgent manner. 

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