15| The Judgement

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Some nights, I would find myself wandering onto the balcony with a bottle of juice, convincing myself that I was there to enjoy the summer breeze rather than anything else.

It would usually happen on busy days. When I had heavy training or I had submitted a late-night assignment. I had been pushing myself hard lately, I didn't want to fall into Jaxton's prophecy of "average".

I know! I shouldn't take it seriously, but harmless words tend to be used as leverage by my insecurity.

I looked up at the stars. It would seem that they were the only witness to our "crimes" and secrets.

I would often wonder where he was. Was he hurt? Bleeding in someone else's dorm instead of mine? Or worse, was he dead? Would I hear his news the next morning?

I sipped my juice, a suspicious itch in my throat. It was unclear to me why I would be worried about him. He wouldn't care what happened to me, so why should I? He was none of my business.

When I settled on that thought, I was calm again. My mind would still slip back to Jaxton, to our argument we had a few nights ago, but I let it, knowing without fear and doubt that we were nothing to each other and that soon, time would do its thing. I would forget about him, and he would do the same with me – not that he had me in mind at all in the first place.


The next morning, I awoke with a splitting headache; my throat was the new Sahara desert.

Ugh, I don't feel so good.

I pulled myself from the bed, freshened up, and ate some breakfast before I settled in bed again. I wasn't going to last an hour in class. I eyed the balcony briefly. I didn't lock it. I should lock it. And before anything was decided, my phone rang. I swiped open the notification.

Dear Cassandra Williams: you receive this message from the school's official system announcements. Your attendance is required at Assembly Hall 1. Your attendance is compulsory.

I frowned, not quite sure why I was receiving this message.

I feel terrible! I'm not going to some stupid assembly.

There was another message that sent through.

Professor Allistar: Cassandra, this is important. Come to Assembly Hall 1. Delete this message once read.

I got up immediately. It sounded bad. If Allistar was alarmed, then I had to properly brace myself for it.

I changed out of my PJs and settled for a simple navy tee and skinny jeans. I wasn't going anywhere after assembly. I grabbed Reflecta off the desk and headed to the hall.

The sun seemed to shine in an irritating brightness, and the heat was doing insufferable things to my body. My palms were cold, but sweat slung to my back when I arrived at the entrance. I let out a breath.

Get this over and done with, and I'm going back to bed. Yeah...

I inhaled a deep breath, hoping my dizziness would fade soon.

Just a little longer, Cassie. You can do this.

With a small nod of encouragement, I pushed the door open. The assembly was buzzing with people, one side completely full. When they saw me, they quietened. 

My confused gaze settled on Professor Mortimer, Professor Allistar and another lady I didn't recognise. Professor Mortimer waved me forward and I did as I was told. 

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