21| The Sound of Bamboos

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I knew exactly when morning woke in the sky. I was acutely aware of the light, a slate blue hue coming through the windows. Funny how fast the colours change in the sky. I simply slept through, half-aware and half in a daze, waiting for my alarm to beep me on my phone.

When it did, I flicked it off and turned to the cooler side of the bed. Vel insisted on going back to her dorm and sleep for the night, while I spent some part of my night worrying about it.

"If they come back again, I'm telling Jaxton and you can't stop me."

"Alright, alright..."

I thought back briefly to the night Jaxton came to my room with my box of crystals. Vel said he looked at me in a certain way. In a special sort of way. I hoped it was a special sort of way and I felt alarmingly happy. Alarming, because, I was acknowledging my feelings – I liked being with Jaxton and seeing him... talking to him... but, so far, I'm not going to do anything about it.

Now's not the time.

I got up to the bathroom, spent some time there to freshen myself up. When I came out, I felt more alert and awake, padding softly to my phone, my lips in a thin line.

After everything that's going on, I forgot to text my parents. That was what I liked to tell myself at least.

You've been avoiding it, Cassandra, haven't you?

Except, Father's Day was coming close and each passing day reminded me of my parents and my yet to send text message.

I inhaled a deep breath, mustered some courage and typed in both of my parent's cellphone number. I forgot to bring my phone on my 'runaway' and... now that I think about it...

I'm a terrible person.

Mum, Dad... it's Cassie. I know, I'm terrible. I should've texted you guys earlier on to let you know I'm okay...

I deleted the last few words. After what I've done, they probably don't care anymore. They've probably given up on me.

At least let them know you care.

I do care, but my care is valueless.

I inhaled another breath and continued typing:

Mum, Dad... it's Cassie. I know, I'm terrible. I should've texted you guys earlier. I don't know what else to say except a lame sorry. I know you probably don't see me as your daughter anymore, but I wanted to say I'm sorry. Really sorry. I know you want me to be safe but I didn't want to be trapped. I want to explore and see things. I want to do something I like. And for once, I don't want to be ashamed of who I am. I don't want to be stopped for who I am.

I pressed send before I had time to think, had time to delete, and had time to read over what my message is. When I did scan my eyes over the black letters, I felt my gut twist. I instantly regretted my words but it was too late.

I'm sorry. I sent another one. My one last desperate attempt to make them forgive me.

I went back to Messages and ignored the gnawing ache in my chest.

Professor Allistar: Morning Cassandra. I know you haven't signed up for the competition this term but the faculty made it compulsory on your part and has asked me to notify you.

My brows shot up.

This is part of an assessment. Some faculty members will be there to watch you compete and will, in turn, assess your powers and abilities. This will not affect your grades or be counted towards any of your grades.

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