Chapter 3 - The Locket

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry Potter: Focused – Chapter 3 – The Locket

"Kreacher," Harry called once he'd settled into his house.

The elf appeared with a pop, still proudly wearing Regulus' locket around his neck. "What does Master want?"

"I have this letter I want you to give to Mrs. Weasley at the Burrow." He handed the letter to Kreacher. "Wait for a reply."

"Yes, Master." He disappeared.


The pandemonium the elf found himself in was frightening. There were several members of the Order there while Hestia Jones was reporting in a panic, "The wards just dropped! By the time I got into the house, Ron and Harry were gone! They must have been captured! It's all my fault!"

"There was no way for you to know," Remus reassured her. "They found a way to bring down the wards without giving the slightest hint to their presence."

"I'm sure we'll be hearing about Potter's death any time now," reassured Moody. "Don't worry, Molly. I'm sure they'll just imperious Ron into helping them. No need to kill him just yet."

Molly burst into tears as Kreacher finally saw his target. "Molly Wheazy," he said as he stepped forward. "Master Harry Potter has given Kreacher this note for you." She took the note and he stayed where he was while everyone was staring at them.

"This looks like a letter from Harry," announced Molly once she looked at the letter.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley,

We've, that is Hermione, Ron and I, have moved to a house you guys don't know about that's under the Fidelius charm. I'm sorry if I've caused any commotion with our unannounced departure from Privet Drive. Honestly, I felt that if no one knew when we were leaving, no one could betray us. I trust you all, but then my parents trusted Peter Pettigrew. We'll send letters like this to you from time to time.

There is one huge favor I'd like to ask. The Dursleys are currently staying in a hotel I've reserved for them for the weekend. On Monday morning at ten a.m., they should be waiting in the lobby. Please have someone from the Order that they've met pick them up to take them to a safe house. Let Kreacher know who will do it and I'll give them more information.

Thank you very much.


Harry James Potter"

"The lad does have a good head on his shoulders, not trustin' us," praised Mad-Eye.

"I'll pick them up," volunteered Remus, so Molly wrote a reply, and Harry had Kreacher bring Moony the information that the Dursleys were staying in a suite at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London, with a strong request not to share that information with anyone. Harry was surprised to find he was a bit relieved when he received word that the Dursleys had been brought to a safe house a few days later.


"We can't delay it any more," announced Harry. "We've got to get that locket from Umbridge."

"But it will be nearly impossible," countered Hermione. "We've got to make a plan."

"Yeah, Harry. Breaking into the Ministry will be a lot tougher than it was last year. They've really upped security," added Ron.

"Breaking into the Ministry?" asked a male voice at the door of the room they were discussing their mission in.

Hermione's dad stepped inside carrying a tray. "I was just coming to offer you guys some tea, but couldn't help overhearing that. Why do you need to break into a government building?"

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