Chapter 11 - The Prophecy Fulfilled

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry Potter: Focused – Chapter 11 – The Prophecy Fulfilled


Griphook looked around a much bigger room than the one he had briefly stayed in after his capture, yet the goblin knew it was in the same building. Harry Potter had sent a message that he needed another Horcrux transferred from its container with no harm to the vessel. He'd brought the appropriate tools to do the job, once he negotiated a price.

"Hello again, Griphook," greeted Harry. This time, the Boy-Who-Lived was not only joined by Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, but by Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood as well. Harry had taken to keeping all the Deathly Hallows with him ever since, on Luna's insistence, he'd told his Snitch, "I'm going to die." The girl seemed like she wanted to start a Master of Death cult worshiping him after that, but he'd gotten her to calm down a bit. "Do you know everyone in this room?" the boy asked.

"Yes. To get down to business, where is the Horcrux? Were you wrong about it being a snake?"

"No, that's being taken care of. However, I was recently informed about another one." Harry then pointed at his famous scar.

"Oh?" Griphook was genuinely surprised.

Hermione explained, "Because Headmaster Dumbledore refused to give any information out in an attempt to get real help in solving a problem, he came to the conclusion that Harry needed to take another killing curse from Riddle."

Ginny added, "So, because he didn't want Harry worried about his impending suicide, he chose to wait until the last possible minute to arrange him to get this information."

"I actually think it was slightly bothering Snape to know I had to actually die."

"He was probably just upset he couldn't give you any more detentions after that," suggested Ron.

Griphook stated, "Had Albus Dumbledore confided in a goblin, or even one of our curse-breakers, one of which is another Weasley, he could have saved himself a lot of self-inflicted grief." He chuckled. "That is yet another reason goblins should get more respect. We do know many things witches and wizards don't."

Harry took a deep breath. "So, anyway, how much will it cost to have you remove the Horcrux from my head?"

"Well, that does make this quite important."

"Don't forget we'll all be watching out for Harry while you do it," stated Ron, giving the distinct impression that if Harry died, Griphook would, too.

After a few seconds, the goblin realized his opportunity. "After you defeat Riddle, you will be seen with me publicly saying that we are friends and you couldn't have defeated him without my help."

"With that endorsement," concluded Hermione, "the goblins would have no choice but to give you any available promotions, including putting you on the Wizengamot if we're successful in arranging representation for them."

"You'll end up more influential than Ragnok himself," added Neville.

"Then you'll be able to put a stop to the goblin-pie conspiracy once and for all," added Luna.

"I have read that article in the Quibbler," remarked Griphook with a goblin grin, which showed a lot of fangs. "I'm not entirely sure your father's source was completely honest with him."

"Oh. Were there other recipes besides pie involved?"

"We're getting off topic," interrupted Harry. "I'll do it. I need to be rid of this Horcrux. I don't mind telling the truth about you to do that, rather than go to Bill with this." He sighed. "If something went wrong, Ron and Ginny would probably never forgive him. Not to mention the others if they explain what happened." He then grinned "Is there a way to keep my parseltongue ability, though? Sometimes it comes in handy."

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