Chapter 7 - Welcome to Hogwarts

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry Potter: Focused – Chapter 7 – Welcome to Hogwarts

"This message is for the fugitive known as Harry Potter. A young lady of your acquaintance, Miss Ginevra Weasley, misses you and would very much like to see you. Ever since she arrived at Hogwarts to find that you're not there, she has been just sick with worry. She's not participating in anything except for classes. It's almost as if her life depends on seeing you again at Hogwarts. If I were you, I'd try my very best to see her by this Saturday morning, before something dreadful happens to her. She claims not to be your girlfriend, and in fact we've found witnesses to the fight you had on the train home, so it may be possible that you no longer care for her. If that's true, I don't know what will become of her."

The voice of Lee Jordan continued on Potterwatch as the trio was gathered closely around the wireless. "That is the message that's in the newspaper and on the wireless news. Harry, if you're listening, it's obviously a trap, but who knows what they'll do to Ginny if you don't show up." He sighed. "Just be careful."

In anger, Ron punched the off button on his radio while Harry got up, his fists clenched in anger. "Damn it! Why the bloody hell did Arthur have to send her to Hogwarts!?"

Hermione, looking very worried, softly answered, "So that he can continue working at the Ministry, trying to learn..."

"Does he seriously believe that the Death Eaters running the Ministry trust him enough to let him know what they ate for breakfast, let alone important secrets?" the Boy-Who-Lived interrupted.

"He's got a point, Hermione," added Ron. "Even without our friendship with Harry, they already considered the whole Weasley family blood-traitors." He sighed. Harry couldn't tell if he was going to scream or cry. "Now they've got us right where they bloody want us."

"No," said Hermione, for once not correcting their language.

"Yes they do! I've got no choice. I'll have to turn myself in. You two..."

"NO! I say we march in there, wands blazing, and take out every last..."

"No, you two! Think!" interrupted the brains of their operation. "Harry, you can't just turn yourself in. They'll kill both you and Ginny. And as much as I don't trust prophecies, if yours is true, that means he'll be invincible. Ron, if we just charge in there, it'll be suicide."

"We can't do nothing!" spat Harry, giving her a dirty look. "I'm not gonna just hide here like a bloody coward while they..."

"I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIDING, HARRY! If you think I'm a coward after all I've done..."

"So what do you want to do?" interrupted Ron, trying to diffuse the situation. It was one thing for him and Hermione to argue, but something else entirely when it was Harry and Hermione.

"I was simply suggesting that we need a plan."

Taking a deep breath, Harry asked, "What do you have in mind?"


It was early two days later that the trio approached Hogsmeade. They had sneaked into Ollivander's to get all the wands that were left there so they could each have a spare, as well as distribute them among the muggle-borns they'd just rescued. Some of them wanted to help with this mission, but Hermione's plan called for stealth, not an army. They had apparated just outside of Dufftown and ridden brooms invisibly from there. They slowed down and came to a stop, waiting for the right opportunity. Hermione cast a silencing spell around them, so they could speak.

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