Chapter 8 - Godric's Hollow

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry Potter: Focused – Chapter 8 – Godric's Hollow

"Get a room, you two!" insisted Ron. For the past five minutes, since they'd safely arrived at headquarters, Harry and Ginny had been making out. "Don't you at least need to breathe?"

"Maybe we should get a room," agreed Ginny seductively, finally ending their kiss. "Let's go, Harry."

"Oi! I didn't mean...shouldn't we talk about what's been happening in Hogwarts?"

Neville added, "I don't know about Luna and Ginny, but I'd like to know what you three have been up to as well."

"Fine," agreed Harry, pulling up a chair. As soon as he sat down, Ginny sat in his lap, earning a glare from Ron. She stuck her tongue out at him, which caused him to look away.

Ginny started. "As soon as I got to the Entrance Hall from the train, Amycus Carrow, who was the Dark Arts professor – not defense of, mind you – took me aside. He's had me locked alone in a room, only letting me leave to attend classes. Someone was always watching me in those classes to make sure I'm not talking to my friends – usually a Slytherin prefect. Food would appear in my room at mealtimes." She sighed. "It could've been much worse. I think Riddle didn't want me hurt so that if Harry started to turn himself in..."

"He'd take one look at you and start fighting if you were injured," completed Hermione.

"He did mention how much he was looking forward to getting to know me better after Harry died." She felt Harry tense up at this proclamation and looked at her boyfriend. "Relax. It never happened and you made sure that it never can happen."

Neville said, "As far as what's been happening inside Hogwarts goes, not much. You already know the changes in staff. Snape made a big speech at the opening feast, saying if anyone has any knowledge of Harry's movements, we should come forward. Amycus was teaching different dark arts spells, working his way up to teaching unforgivables. Alecto was teaching muggle studies, saying muggles are no smarter than apes."

"That'll get magic exposed really fast," commented Hermione. "If they don't even try to hide magic because they think muggles are stupid."

"In order to become a Death Eater," added Luna, "you have to already have an infestation of Wrackspirts in your head."

Ginny said, "I think that pretty much covers what's been happening at Hogwarts, so what have you lot been up to besides hunting Horcruxes?"

"We freed one of the muggle-born concentration camps," answered Ron.

"Wow!" replied Neville. "How did you do that?"

"We'll tell you everything, but first we've got to destroy Ravenclaw's tiara," replied Hermione.

"Right," agreed Harry, pulling it out of his pocket while Ron went to retrieve a basilisk fang.

"That's a pity," commented Luna, "to destroy such a priceless artifact."

"Yeah. Riddle doesn't care. He thinks he's more important than any historical artifact. Anyway, that leaves Hufflepuff's cup, which we don't know the location of, and Tom's snake Nagini."

At that point, Ron reentered the room with a fang and asked, "Ginny, would you like to do the honors?"

"Sure," she agreed, getting off Harry's lap. Her boyfriend placed the Horcrux on a nearby table. She took the fang from her brother and slammed the point into the diadem before it could do anything to defend itself. They heard a soft scream from it.

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