Epilogue - Two Years Later

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"You sure this is a good idea babe?" I muttered uncertainly, tilting my head back to catch a glimpse of his face.

"Of course it is," he reassured me, giving me a small smile. 

We were both sitting on my bed in the dorms, Danny sitting with his back against the wall and me sitting right in between his legs. My body was laying against his firm chest and his arms were wrapped around me while I intertwined my hands with his, as snow fell against the window of the room.

"I mean, I have spent every holiday on campus since I got here. One more won't hurt."

"And that is the problem," Danny said with finality, "We've been in a relationship for two years and I leave you here alone for weeks every year. Well, not this year. This year you will be spending the holidays with me and my family. No arguments."

I spun around to look at him, causing him to let me go. 

"This is a big step, meeting your family ya know. What if they think I'm not good enough for you?"

"Stop," he said, placing his index finger on my nose like he always does when he was going to make a profound statement, "I am dating you, not my family. They will have their opinions and whether good or bad, that's their business. I chose you and you chose me and that's all that matters."

I grinned like a clown in a circus and kissed him and no matter how many times I kiss him, the same electricity runs through me and every time feels like the first time and I know he feels the same too just by how he returns my kiss with the same passion as he did on that first night so long ago. 

"You are amazing, you know that right?" I muttered after we broke apart, and I turned around and laying back against his chest wrapping myself in his arms tightly. 

"Being amazing is one of my best qualities," he cooed.

"Shut up," I snickered, jabbing my elbow softly into his ribcage eliciting an exaggerated groan of pain from him. I shook my head and closed my eyes as we talked way into the night.


Flying on a plane the second time was considerably better than my first time. Why you may ask? Well, the view was different. This time we were flying over land and not over the sea and that was a new experience seeing mountains and hills and cities, that was pretty cool. The main reason why it was better though was about my silver-haired, exceptionally beautiful boyfriend who was smiling at me with his arm around my shoulder. It was so amazing to me that years ago on my first plane flight, I was daydreaming of meeting Danny and convincing myself how impossible it was, and now look at me. If I could tell myself two years ago that Danny would one day be my boyfriend and I would be going to meet his family, I would have laughed myself to scorn. I guess dreams do come true after all.

"What?" Danny asked noticing my unwitting smirk due to thoughts I was having.

"Nothing," I said, "I just was thinking how lucky I am to have you."

"Isn't that funny?" he mused, "I was thinking the exact same thing."

We spent the remainder of the journey just talking about the landscape and about what to expect from his family and how his mom has been dying to meet me (no pressure or anything) and just enjoying each other's company.


Our Uber dropped us off at the house which wasn't a very long distance away from the airport and when I went to unpack my luggage, my first inclination was 'whoa'. It was less of a house and more of a small mansion. It was obvious that though they weren't super-rich, Danny's family was well off. This actually made me so much more respectful of him because I have never seen him flaunt his assets or think he's better than others. He has been so humble around me. In fact, If I never came here, he probably would have never told me he lived like this. 

Being on the west coast as well, there was no snow here. It felt oddly like the Caribbean with palm trees and sunshine and this was more of what I was used to as being Christmas from where I grew up. 

Danny came over to me as the car drove away and he saw the look on my face and his face dropped.

"Please don't feel like we're wealthy ok," he said, almost like he was pleading. "And please don't feel like I hid this from you deliberately. I just don't want anyone to be my friend or like me because of my family's assets."

"I'm not that kinda person," I reassured him.

"I know," he said, though he sounded unconvinced, "It's just...It's happened before and I am not eager to repeat it."

I grinned up at him and smacked him playfully.

"You knucklehead," I chided him, "I would love you if you lived in an igloo at the north pole or even in a hole in the ground. What does that have to do with me?"

He kissed me right then and there and I knew he believed me. I knew he trusted me and most importantly, I knew he loved me for me just as I loved him for him. Our kiss broke and I looked into those mesmerizing brown eyes, the same eyes I saw for the first time up close when I was just being my usual klutzy self; I felt his silvery hair flow through my fingers; I felt the warmth on the tips of my fingers where my hands slipped under the fringe of his shirt and I knew I was where I was meant to be with the one I was meant to be with.

"Come on, " I said, holding his hand in one hand and pulling the luggage with the other, "Time to meet the family."

Falling for a Stranger (DannyPhantom.exe Fanfiction: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now