Chapter Four

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The sun dappled leaves above my head rustled softly in the afternoon breeze as I sat curled in the crevice of the roots of the tree outside the dormitory with my book up to my nose. It was the height of the school day so the areas around the dorms were relatively empty but there was no doubt that the rest of the campus was alive with the sounds and movements of thousands of young people in pursuit of academic success. In all honesty, the only reason I was sitting here was because I was hoping to run into Danny again. However, that goal remained unfulfilled as time passed and I didn't see him. Seems he didn't come on the dorms during the daytime and I'm thankful my schedule was practically empty today so I could find the time to sit here like this. 

'Well,' I mused internally, 'may as well go find something actually productive to do today.' I bounded up off the ground, snapped my book shut and with a swing of my backpack onto my shoulders, sauntered down the campus. I had decided earlier that I would use today to find that campus job I had been thinking about yesterday to help offset the little allowance that my scholarship afforded me. Walking into the main campus, it was way more crowded: people talking, laughing, lounging at the different restaurants and shops, sprawled out on the lawns and benches or gathered under the gazebos dotted here and there. It was like a smaller version of a bustling metropolis. I did my best to stay away from others but one or two people would wave or just say 'hey' and I did the nice thing and replied back although I was so nervous; being an introvert is another one of my best qualities. I arrived at my destination feeling most satisfied with myself since I didn't have to use my map and I had only been here once the day before and on campus only two days now. My eidetic memory and sense of direction were other skills I was proud of. Walking through the double doors, the earthy smell of millions of pages surrounded me as I took in the sight that struck me speechless yesterday - towering shelves filled from head to toe with mankind's greatest invention: books. The little libraries back home were nothing compared to this and I had to admit I felt at ease in the company of the only things that never judged me or belittled me. I made my way to the front desk where a plump, mature lady with black hair streaked with silver,  sat at a computer. 

"Hi Mrs. Harrison," I said cheerfully.

She looked up from her work and her blue eyes crinkled in a smile. She rose from her chair and came to the counter.

"Well, well, if it isn't my newest library member and Caribbean bestie," she gushed in my direction. "Nice to see you back so soon."

"How am I your bestie? We just met yesterday," I laughed.

"All members of my library are my besties didn't you know that?"

I chortled at her statement. She was really a sweet soul and I could tell that after just one meeting with her.

"Well I'm glad you're happy to see me cause you'll be seeing me a lot more too."

"Really now? How so?"

"Because you're gonna give me a job!" I declared with a grin.

"Well that's one way to apply for a job," she chortled. " What makes you qualified to work in my humble yet hallowed halls of wisdom?"

"I'm a bookworm by heart so I am quite at home in a library and won't make excuses to leave before my shift ends. I have an adept knowledge of the Dewey decimal system and I am a great organizer and a hard worker too."

"You had me at Dewey decimal system," she said, "In truth I do need some help around here and lets just say Millennials aren't so fond of books. Can you start tomorrow? I'll Pay you $5 an hour for a five hour shift and you'll work in the evenings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday."

I was hoping that the pay would be a little more than $25 a day but beggars can't be choosers. I needed some extra cash, no matter how miniscule the amount. Even a dollar is better than zero dollars. 

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