Chapter 36: No Control

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"So I guess you and Nick worked things out, huh?" Howie asked when he and Brian were in line at McDonalds in Ireland one night. Rehearsals for their tour were winding down and everyone was tired, but in good spirits. Tour was starting tomorrow and pre show jitters were definitely back. Brian and Howie got their food and started for the van, food in tow. Brian had gotten Nick a couple burgers because he figured that he would be hungry.

"Oh yeah, things are great." Brian said wistfully when they closed the van door and headed down the road into traffic. He was happy that he and Nick were on speaking terms again, but he didn't like that Nick kept his distance. He still wanted to fool around but Nick was not having it whatsoever. Brian was in touch with Leighanne again as well so it seemed that things were back to how they used to be for everybody.

"That's great because it would be so awkward on stage, wouldn't it ? I mean, if you weren't speaking." Howie said. Brian frowned because their personal lives had never gotten in the way of them performing before, why would they now?

"Do you think things are different when we aren't speaking on stage? I didn't notice anything. I only noticed it when we weren't performing."

"Well, Nick didn't seem himself when he was upset. Sometimes it translates to his performances. It's not hard to notice. I'm just glad things won't be awkward anymore." Howie shrugged.

Brian thought about this the whole way back to the hotel, and when he got there he called out Nick to tell him that he brought him food. Nick had been in the shower.

"How did you know that I was hungry?" Nick laughed, drying his hair because he'd just showered. Brian took his scent in as he walked in from the bathroom in nothing but a white tank top and his boxers, he smelled of fresh soap. Brian hurriedly looked down and mumbled something, blushing as Nick walked past. Nick pretended he didn't notice.

"I just had a hunch. Got you a couple burgers." Brian offered, showing him the bag. Nick grabbed a burger because he was hungry.

"Score. We can eat and watch some TV. AJ showed me how to fix it so we get free cable."

"Nick, we are in Europe. I don't think that is going to work on this TV." Brian laughed.

"It should work with all of them. Aren't all of them the same anyway? I can totally do it. Watch." Nick said, grabbing a cheeseburger and starting to shove it in his mouth while he messed with the television.

"I don't think this is such a good idea."

"If AJ can do it, I can do it. I'm just as smart as he is."

"I didn't say you weren't." Brian chuckled.

Brian watched Nick jump back from the television suddenly and the cheeseburger fell to the floor. The TV shut off and Nick stood up, wiping his hands on his boxers.

"SHIT. Okay....well that didn't go so well."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I think so. I just got shocked a bit." Nick said casually.

"Obviously, Mr. Wizard. Are you trying to kill yourself?" Brian said, cracking up laughing and throwing a fry at Nick, who laughed as well. He threw it back.

"No. Well, not tonight anyway."

"So now we don't have a TV and Johnny is probably gonna yell at us because you broke it and got ketchup on the rug. You dropped your burger too."

"I can fix that."

Nick picked up the burger, still half in the wrapper that had fallen on the floor and started to continue eating it while Brian made a disgusted face. He then used the wrapper to clean the ketchup off the floor and threw it in the garbage can near the desk.

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