Chapter 5: First Date

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Brian whistled as he got ready for his lunch date with Leighanne a couple of days later. They were going to a place in LA on Wilshire Boulevard that Leighanne knew from being a local and Brian couldn't wait to eat. He got up early to take a shower while Nick sat in front of the TV in his underwear, eating from a open box of cereal and watching some cartoon. He almost laughed at him because he was such a kid still.

"Where you going? We don't have to be anywhere today." Nick commented, his mouth full of Lucky Charms.

"I am seeing Leighanne today, I thought you knew that." Brian said, picking out some fresh clothes to wear from his suitcase. Nick turned back to the TV and rolled his eyes out of Brian's view.

How could I forget you and boob job Barbie having your stupid date.

If Nick rolled his eyes any further he felt they would fall out.

"I'm gonna be in the shower if she calls the room or anything, then I'm heading over to the restaurant."

"Bring me back something to eat." Nick mumbled with his mouth full of cereal again. They didn't have any milk in the refrigerator in their hotel room that Lou was paying for and Nick hated eating his cereal dry, but he liked the little marshmallows and was busily popping them into his mouth.

"You're always hungry." Brian teased, as he started to undress. Nick blushed and pretended he wasn't staring...Brian suddenly felt uncomfortable and stopped. Nick never used to watch him and now that he knew he was gay, or possibly gay- he wasn't sure if he should change his clothes in front of him anymore. Nick being gay confused him and although he was trying to be supportive, he would be lying if he didn't say it made him feel weird about their close friendship. Lots of things that made sense before just felt strange to him now.

After Brian went into the bathroom, Nick heard the door lock and sat there for a minute or two, thinking of ways to keep Brian from going on his date. He truly was happy for him but there was something about this girl that set him off and he had no idea why. His eyes spotted Brian's wallet on the dresser and he smiled.

"If he can't pay for the lunch she won't be impressed with him because she is probably only after his money." Nick thought to himself as he got up off the floor. He quickly hid the wallet inside a dresser drawer and snickered, thinking of what Leighanne would say when Brian couldn't pay.

After plotting his little scheme, Nick went back to watching the cartoons as he balanced the cereal box in his lap sitting Indian style on the floor. As if on cue, the water shut off and Brian took a while to get dressed in the bathroom, which Nick was surprised by because usually he just got ready in the room. He came out wearing a nice pair of pants and a shirt, his hair slicked back. Nick pretended he did not notice but Brian was wearing some new cologne that had a really nice scent.

"I'll be back later, maybe we can play Mario Kart or something when I come back from lunch." Brian said, checking himself one more time in the mirror and spraying the cologne on himself as he fixed his hair.

"Okay." Nick muttered, drinking in the scent like it was a drug and he needed a fix. Brian walked past and chuckled at him, ruffling his hair as he went by.

"See you."

"Have fun." Nick said as Brian closed the door, staring at the door for a few minutes after it closed, thinking to himself.

"Hi, Brian. I'm so happy you asked me to lunch. I hope you like this place, it's one of my favorites." Leighanne said when she met up with him outside the restaurant.

"Sounds great, I'm hungry." Brian smiled. They went to a comfort food restaurant called Cravings, that offered many different dishes. Brian held the door for her and held her chair out, and she smiled the whole time. There was definitely an attraction right away. They ordered their food, and started talking about all kinds of things. Brian listened intently as Leighanne talked about her acting career, her childhood and what she wanted to do as an actress. Brian talked about music and his dreams as well. They had a great conversation and ate, laughing and talking like they were old friends.

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