Chapter 32: Shock Wave

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"Brian's been cheating on you with me."

The words sounded strange and foreign coming from his mouth, like it was playing in slow motion. After he spoke, Nick waited for her to freak out. He waited for her to start yelling and blaming him, but she said nothing.

Nick watched her face, her eyes were focused on his as she kind of froze up. She was quiet for some time and then started laughing which startled Nick out of his thoughts.

"I-I'm sorry, but what is so funny?" Nick stammered in confusion when she laughed at him.

"It's just so ridiculous. Cheating on me with you? Brian wouldn't cheat on me. He's not like that. Besides, for him to cheat on me with you would mean that he is gay....he's not gay. You're not gay. This is a joke to me." Leighanne said, giggling and shaking her head. Nick sat there, blinking at her in surprise.

"It would be funny if I was making this up, but I'm not. Brian's been cheating on you and I've been helping him. I tried to tell him to tell you and be honest with you-"

"Stop. Just stop. I've heard enough. It's bad enough that Brian won't tell me what is going on with him and now you're helping him to make up lies?What is really going on, Nick?" Leighanne demanded, interrupting him.

"I'm telling you the truth. Brian has been hiding this from you for months. I came out to him last year on my birthday and we've been fooling around..."

Leighanne looked as if she was going to breathe fire but she took a breath as if she were trying to compose herself. She put up a hand to signal Nick to stop talking.

"Nick, is all of this because you think I'm taking him away from you? Is that it? Because Brian said he thought you were jealous of me. I'm not here to steal him from you. You are his best friend. This obsession you have for him is just not healthy."

"Excuse me? Obsession?" Nick asked, gaping at her.

"Isn't that why you made up this ridiculous story? You are trying to get me to leave him to keep your friendship, but trust me...I'm not here to take him from you." Leighanne snapped. Nick went from being confused to being angry. He wanted to do the right thing but now he wondered if it was right after all.

"That's not it at all. I am trying to do the right thing here and be honest with you. Brian has been hiding things from you. He's been cheating on you. If you don't want to believe me, that's up to you. I am telling you because you're my friend and I don't like lying to you anymore. I hope you have a safe trip to wherever you are going in the morning." Nick said after they continued to argue for a few minutes. He let Leighanne out into the hallway and they said goodbye before shutting the door behind her.

"That could have gone better." Nick muttered to himself, laying back on the bed to collect his thoughts.

Brian was getting ready for bed when he decided that maybe he should go to at least talk to Nick and try to work something out between them. He hated having Nick angry at him. He hated going to bed upset. It was then he decided he had to go.

"Where are you going?" Howie asked when he noticed Brian heading for the door.

"I just...need to go for a walk."

Howie chuckled as the door closed, he knew exactly where he was going.

Brian half walked and half ran down the hall to Nick's room, his heart pounding because he was anxious. Nick was so angry before, would he even talk to him now? Would he just slam the door in his face again?


Nick sat up in bed when he heard knocking at the door again. It came again, louder this time.

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