Chapter VI

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As soon as he jumped inside his room, Akaashi transform back and collapses onto his bed. Tomorrow he's gonna train with his newfound hero friend.

He smiled, Red Paws seems like a nice and good person to hang around. Whoever he is under the mask, he probably has a ton of friends and probably, a loving family, something that Akaashi wants so badly. No one except his team mates and his boyfriend has been there for him.

The friends he has in the past, they all left him once they sees him in his worst state. People only likes him because he's 'pretty' and his parents are 'rich'. After his past friendship, he became closed off and distrusting, only recently he started to open up more to his boyfriend and teammates. Only recently he started to make more friends and warming up to his classmates, and to be honest it felt good to have more friends than his teammates, although his teammates are irreplaceable.

Azul flew in front of Akaashi's face, asking if there's any snacks for Azul to eat and recharge thier power with. Huh...come of think of it, Akaashi never asks what's Azul's pronouns are, he doesn't even know what's Azul's gender. Huh, maybe he should ask about it.

When Azul came back to the room with a piece of cracker, Akaashi immediately asks, "Hey Azul? I realized I've never ask you about this, but what's your pronouns?"

Azul finished the cracker and answered, "Huh, I've never really thought about it.... My past partners usually just called me Azul and 'The little owl' so you're the first one to ask this.."

Azul thought about it for a moment before saying, "Uuuuuhm.... I guess i don't really know? Any pronouns is fine I guess? Or..." Azul paused for a couple moment before continuing, "He/Him! He/Him could work for now" Akaashi chuckled at this before responding, "Alright, He/Him it is"

They laid down on Akaashi's bed in silence for a while before Akaashi piped up, "What will happen when all this, all superhero thing ends?"

Azul answered, "You, your partner, and leonis will return your animus to the guardian. After that every thing will be back to normal, although we won't and can't erase you and the city's memories of this superhero blitz". Akaashi went silent before asking, "How long would... this 'superhero blitz' goes ?" Azul sighed,"Who knows? it's all up to the heroes, beside we still don't know the villain's identity yet so we can't plan an attack"

Akaashi frowned uneasily, 'it's all up to the heroes'? So it's all up to him and Red? That's a lot of responsibility, and a lot of pressure. Akaashi bit his lower lip, thinking the worst possibilities if one day they failed to deakumatized someone and they failed to save Tokyo. He shook his head, 'No, he won't let it happen. He will figure out the villain's identity and he will save Tokyo.'

He then sigh, and before he know it, he's already asleep,


The next day, class and morning practice goes out smoothly and normally. On evening volleyball practice, the coach announced that they will have a practice match with Nekoma tomorrow. Everyone, especially Bokuto was pumped. Said owl-look-alike was excited he could 'see his best bro again', Akaashi himself is pretty excited.

He and Nekoma's setter, Kenma Kozume, has gotten pretty close since they're both setters and their boyfriends are best bros. He and Nekoma's libero, Yaku Morisuke has also gotten to know eachother, since they're both 'Team moms'.

Akaashi looks at the clock,

3.15 PM

'Crap' He panics internally, he's supposed to see Red Paws in 15 minutes! He looked around the gym, everyone was packing up and getting ready to go back home. Akaashi sighed in relief, he smiled and packs up his stuff as well. He was about to run out the gym when his boyfriend came up to him, hugging him from the back.

"Akaashiee! Let's walk home together again! Oh oh oh! Can I sleepover at your house???" Akaashi sighed and frowned at his boyfriend's request. He didn't want to say no, but he needs to talk to Red. So he shakes his head, "Sorry Bokuto-san, you can't. I have an important personal things I have to sort out"

Bokuto frowned, "Can't I come????". Akaashi shakes his head again,"No Bokuto-san, you can't. I'm sorry". Bokuto's eyes water at this and Akaashi sighed, he knew this would happen, his boyfriend is pretty moody after all.

Akaashi smiled and kiss his boyfriend's cheek softly, "You can come over tomorrow Kou, please don't cry" Bokuto perks up at this, smiling brightly before hugging Akaashi tightly, thanking him. Bokuto still insisted that he walks Akaashi home, so he let him. They walk back to Akaashi's house while talking and holding hands, with a few kisses shared between them.

Although, Bokuto did notice something odd about his boyfriend. The shorter male keeps checking the time on his phone with anxious face. Bokuto shrugged it off, thinking maybe his boyfriend is just anxious about whatever business he's supposed to do. Upon arriving at Akaashi's front door, it was already 3.20 PM.

Bokuto gives his boyfriend a small peck on his forehead and after hugging him, waved goodbye. And as soon as Akaashi was out of Bokuto's line of sight, he bolted inside the house, transform, climb up his roof and ran from roof to roof as fast as he could.


"You're late"

Akaashi pants as he lean against his knees. Red Paws is leaning against the wall, his eyebrows raised with his baton in hand. Akaashi wheezed out a breath before looking up at Red with a glare, "Oh shut up! I was only four minutes late!" He retorts.

Red Paws chuckled before retorting back, "Time is money and time is precious, so let's not waste it anymore yeah?" Red Paws then proceeds to jump up from a trashcan to the nearest roof.

Akaashi scowled before getting up and following the shorter boy's lead. Now they're running on the roof, jumping from one rooftop to the next. Occasionally some people would look up and gasped, some would wave and smile, some would just shout out, "Hey it's the heroes!"

It doesn't took long for the two boys to eventually land on the outskirts of a housing estate. And sure enough, like what Red Paws said, in front of them is a forest, with a single pathway leading deeper into the forest. Akaashi looks at the pathway with uncertainty, "Are..You sure this is safe?"

Red nodded, "Yeah! I often go here when..." He trails off, his eyes becoming foggy and his cat ears drooping. He shook his head, "Never mind that! You can trust me Silver! I would never purposely lead you into danger!"

Akaashi nodded and follows him into the woods. The pathway they're walking on is surrounded by tall trees and bushes, little ray of sunlight peeking through the leafs. After a few minute walking, they found them self in a clearing. Red Paws walks to one of the biggest tree there, and pulled out a backpack out of a hole in the tree. Akaashi furrowed his brows, "You've prepared for this?"

Red paws bit his bottom lip, "Uuuhh.. No not really... I just... put this here a few weeks ago when I go here, I hid water, medical kit, and some biscuits, extra clothes and money in this bag"  Akaashi raised an eyebrow, "What for?"

Red paws went silent before shaking his head, "Never mind that, let's get going. It's not that far from here"

Akaashi nods and follows him. Red Paws is hiding something from him, and he has a feeling it's not something pleasant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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