Chapter III

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"You can call me Silver Wings"

Red Paws grinned, "Silver wings eh? So, do you have any idea how to stop lion lady?" He asked.

Akaashi scrunched up his nose, "I thought you know how to stop her?" Red Paws shook his head, "It's my first time being a superhero as well." Akaashi tilted his head, "But how are you so confident out there?" Red Paws smiles, "I guess I've always been pretty confident, even though I'm short as fuck."

Akaashi smiled, before thinking for a second. Then he turned to Red Paws, "Azul, my spirite, said we need to find the akumatized item and break it, then purify it with my 'silver feather' or whatever that is" 

"Huh.. Well, we probably should figure out her akumatized item first.." Red Paw said, taking out his baton. He hummed before saying, "Could it be her lion skin cape?"

Akaashi's eyes lighten up. "That could be a possibility... But how we are going to take it from her?" 

Red Paws stood up before grinning, "Can you fly?"

Akaashi looks uncertainly at his wings, sure he did that flying thing back there but that was just out of instinct and pure luck! So he shook his head 'No'. Red paws pout before turning his head into the now damaged street, as his eyes scan the streets, he asked again,

"How and why do these people got akumatized?"
Akaashi hummed softly looking at the sky, before answering, "I think it has something to do with negative emotions? Like when the person is sad or angry, it'll be easier to push them to evil"

Red paws grinned, "Wow, you're purrety smart at this!" Akaashi sighed at the pun, before turning his attention to the streets, and something caught his eyes.

"Hey Red..?"
"Yeah?" The said hero turned and walked over to Akaashi. "I think we should see this..." Akaashi mutters before jumping down to the nearest shopping windows that displayed several TVs. Red paws shrugged and followed his lead, only to see one TV with the screen on.

And what's on the news is shocking, there she was, Lion-Lady, standing on top of the Skytree, with an eagle perching on her arm while news helicopter surrounds her.

"Citizens of Tokyo!" She said loudly "My leader have something to say!" She stepped aside, revealing a giant male lion, its eyes shining gold.

"Silver wings and Red Paws!" The lion roared, "I am Leonis! And i have a simple request... Just give me your animuses, and no one will get hurt! But if you insist on battling me, then you can take the risk of your city crumbling to the ground!"

Red paws clenched his fist, "C'mon Silver, let's go"  "What? Go where?" Akaashi asked confusedly. "The Skytree! Duh! C'mon, fly us there!"

Akaashi looked at Red Paws nervously, "I told you! I can't fly!" Red paws groaned.

"Can't you at least try?!" He asked, clearly frustrated. Akaashi just looks down at his feet and shakes his head, he was too afraid to try flying again, he won't risk it.

Red Paws sighed before crouching with one of his knees and hand on the floor.

"What are you--" And before Akaashi could ask any questions, he was left in the dust, Red Paws already sprinting towards the Skytree with immense speed.

Akaashi just stared at the road, how can Red Paws be so confident out there? Akaashi clearly needs to step up his game, especially since now the whole Tokyo is at stake.

He didn't ask to be a superhero, then why did he become one?

Sighing, Akaashi started to run towards the Skytree. Luckily his suit gives him enchanted powers, so he could run faster.

'This will be a long day'
When he arrives at The Skytree, people looked at him with awe, but that doesn't bother him. What bother him was the fact that Red Paws is tied to one of the Skytree's pole, screaming curses at the Lion-Lady.

"Red!" Akaashi ran up to the Skytree, but he was stopped by a couple police. "Let me in, my partner is up there" Akaashi growled. The police just shook their heads, "Sorry kid, but you can leave this to the adults, don't worry"

Akaashi looks nervously at Red, who is now also looking at Akaashi with worried eyes. And all of the sudden, an eagle swoops down and picked Akaashi up, the said man wriggling trying to get out of the eagle's grasp.

The eagle dropped him onto one of the horizontal poles. Surprisingly, he could stand on it just fine. Akaashi looked up to see Lion-Lady standing there, with Red Paws, tied up and now gagged beside her.

"Now, be a good little owl and give me your animus!" She purred, stepping to grab Akaashi's choker. Akaashi swiftly jumped back, fiddling with his choker animus, "Let go of my partner first" Akaashi said coldly. He just hopes that she will listen and untie Red Paws.

To his luck, lion-Lady unties the ropes on Red Paws' wrist and ankles. And as he was freed, he immediately drop-kicked her.

Lion-Lady screamed, and just before she could fall, Red Paws grabbed her by the collar. He pulled her up and pinned her down, tuning to Akaashi, he said, "Take her Lion skin cape, rip it apart, then the Akuma should come out"

Akaashi crouched down and snatched the cape from lion-lady. He ripped it slightly and a glowing ball of air-popped out, he turned to Red Paws, "What now?"

"Try saying 'Silver Feathers' like a mantra? I dunno"

"...Silver Feathers" Akaashi commands. He could feel the energy from his back pocket and grabbed whatever thing was back there. It was his fan, it had returned to his pocket!

But now, the fan's feather is glowing a light silver, as if the moon just poured some of its shine onto it. Akaashi plucked one of the glowing feathers and he crumbled it in his hand, making it turned into silver dust, before blowing it onto the air.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, but then, a blinding silver light shines from Akaashi's palm, and when the light dimmed down, everything was back to normal.

The streets were fixed, the animals are gone, probably back in their cages. The broken glass, turned vehicles, damaged buildings, everything was back to normal. Lion-lady also turned back into herself, a blonde-haired girl with blue eyes. They're even safe on the ground again.

The crowds stay silent for a moment before erupting into a cheer. Red paws looked at Akaashi, a wide grin on his face, he mouthed a 'Thank you and Good job' before helping the blonde girl standing up, and taking her to one of the police officers. He's probably asking them to take her home.

Akaashi was already surrounded by reporters, who is curious about what just happened.

Akaashi smiled nervously, and one of the reporters asked, "Who are you two, are you two real superheroes? What just happened and will this ever happen again?"

Akaashi was about to answer when all of a sudden his choker beeped, and when he looks, the line on the pendant was not five anymore, there's only two now.

"You should go, you'll probably transform back soon," Red Paws said, approaching him with a smile. Akaashi nodded before asking, "Will... This happens again? Red?"

Red Paws sighed, "Unfortunately, maybe yes. That Leonis guy probably won't rest until he got his hands on our Animuses" He looked at one of the cameras, "I, Red Paws and my partner, Silver wings, will do everything in our power to protect Tokyo, so please don't panic" He said with a smile.

As the crowd cheers, he turned to Akaashi smiling, "See you next time?"

Akaashi smiled and nodded before they go on their separate ways.

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