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Akaashi Keiji opens his eyes softly, sighing as he sat up. 'Another day' He thought to himself, getting up from his bed and stepping into his shower to have a nice cold bath. Minutes later, he is already in his family's dining room, eating breakfast while listening to his parents talking about their upcoming business. Sighing, he quickly finished his breakfast and grabs his bag, walking out the door.

'They're always busy... They'll never have time for me'


Arriving at his school, he was immediately tackled by a hug from his boyfriend, Bokuto Koutarou.

"AGHKASHIIIIII!" The silver-haired man exclaimed, tightening his hug. Akaashi just chuckled and pats hugs back "Hello Bokuto-san". Releasing his hug, Bokuto grinned and asked, " Are you still up for the movie date after practice?" Akaashi nodded, "Of course Bokuto-san".

Bokuto Grinned again, but before he can rambles about how beautiful akaashi looks today or about volleyball, the bell rung, signing their first period. Bokuto yelps before kissing Akaashi's cheek and running to his own class. And as Akaashi walks to his seat in class, he couldn't help to blush and think to himself,

'What my life would become without him?'


As soon as school and volleyball practice is over, Bokuto immediately dragged Akaashi to his house, grinning stupidly and chattering along the way. Akaashi just listens and smiles, occasionally replying to his boyfriend's question. When they got to Bokuto's house, they immediately head upstairs, since Bokuto's parents and sisters aren't home, because they were away for some business trip. And in no minute, Akaashi is already snuggling to his boyfriend's chest, sighing contently while Bokuto wraps an arm around him, the other hand switching through movie selection.

"What are we watching, Kou?" Akaashi asked, using the nickname he only uses when they're alone. "Cloud Atlas! Duuh!" Bokuto answers, playing the movie. Akaashi's eyebrows furrowed, "Again? Didn't you watch that 4 times already? And I thought you would never want to watch that movie after the fanfiction incident?" Bokuto just pouts and snuggle his Akaashi closer, "I don't care, it's a good movie!"

Now you might be wondering, what did Akaashi meant by 'Fanfiction Incident'.

Well two months ago, Kuroo told them to read this fanfiction about them called 'In Another Life'. And let's just say they still haven't moved on.

So anygays, they ended up falling asleep on each other, Bokuto wrapping his arms around Akaashi and Akaashi snuggling to Bokuto's chest. They both felt content and happy, they felt safe, they felt peaceful,

They felt like they're home.


The next morning they woke up, they didn't even bother to take a shower or eat breakfast, they just continued to snuggle, occasionally kissing each others cheek and forehead. But after a while, Bokuto's stomach growled in need of food. While the older male hides his flustered face in embarrassment, Akaashi just chuckled and got up to cook them breakfast.

Luckily, it was Saturday morning, so they can be lazy and unproductive all they want to. After serving a plate of a freshly cooked bacon sandwich, Akaashi called out to his boyfriend, who is already running towards the kitchen, smiling brightly as he sits down.

Munching on his food happily, Bokuto exclaimed, "Mbish ish so ghood! You're sho amazhing!" Akaashi, who is calmly eating, sighed, "Please don't talk with your mouth full Koutarou. Besides, it's just a sandwich, it's not that amazing"

Bokuto quickly swallows his food before exclaiming, "But everything my Keiji makes is amazing!" At this comment, Akaashi's face turned red, mumbling a quiet 'thank you' before returning to eating. After eating, Bokuto asks, "Hei Keiji! Let's take a bath together!"

Akaashi flushed red before stuttering out, "I-..O-okay then.." Bokuto grinned before scooping his boyfriend bridal style, carrying him to the bathroom.

And no, they didn't do anything funny there don't worry. They only scrubbed each other's back and play in the bathtub. After stepping out of the bathroom and putting on some clothes, they hear the sound of a car arriving. Grinning like an idiot, Bokuto ran to the living room while pulling Akaashi with him, to see Bokuto's family already there.

Mr.Bokuto smiled when he saw Akaashi, greeting him, "Keiji! I didn't know you were coming!" Bowing slightly, Akaashi smiled, "Good Morning sir, ma'am" Mrs. Bokuto waved him off, saying, "No need the formalities dear! You're like a part of this family already! Just call me Auntie Ayaka!"

Akaashi smiled and nodded softly, before one of Bokuto's silver-haired sisters chided, "Well, Keiji-san will marry big bro in the future sooo..." Akaashi and Bokuto blushed beet red at her statement, while the others just giggled. Bokuto then yelled at his sister, "Kirikoooo! Stop saying such embarrassing stuff!" Kiriko just cackled at this as her black-haired sister joined in, not even looking up from her phone, "Well it's true isn't it?" Bokuto whined, "Aikoooo! Not you too!"

Mr.Bokuto just chuckled, before turning to Akaashi, "Say Akaashi, how about you spend the weekend with us? Your parents wouldn't mind right?"

Akaashi stayed silent for a moment, thinking to himself. 'Mom and Dad are barely home, they probably wouldn't care even if I die..'

Akaashi then smiled, "Of course, they wouldn't mind at all"

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