Chapter I

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Akaashi woke up with a yawn. What time is it? Oh right it's 6 AM on Monday. After spending the whole weekend with Bokuto and his family, he decided to go home in the afternoon, and now he felt exhausted he wanted to sleep some more. But he couldn't, he had school.

Sighing, Akaashi got up from his bed, taking a quick shower. As he walks to the dining room, all he can see there was a cold miso soup, a credit card, and a sticky note. Sighing yet again, he sat down and eat the soup unwillingly, reading lazily at the note that says,

'Keiji Dear, me and your dad are going to go on a business trip to Indonesia for a whole month or two, we left you this credit card if you need anything, stay safe dear

Love, Mum'

" 'Love mum' my ass" He grumbled, swinging his bag over his shoulder grumpily. He just wants his parents to show some real love to him, is that too much to ask?

As he walks to school, he saw an old man trying to cross the street. His heart and eyes soften slightly at this, walking up to the old man.

"Do you need help, sir?" He asked softly, helping the old man cross. As they got to the other side of the road, the old man smiled at Akaashi, "Thank you, You're such a kind young man, the world could use more kind people like you"

Akaashi just smiled sadly, "We can only wish they are more kind people out there sir"

After that, Akaashi bid goodbye to the old man, running to his school, knowing that he would be late.

But what he didn't know what was the old man planning.


Meanwhile somewhere, in a dark cold lair, a man was pacing around the room as a small, wispy male lion made out of smoke staring at him anxiously. The man finally stopped and spoke, "So... You're saying that I have the power to make anyone obey me, and give them absolute powers?"

"Yes, that is true" The small lion answered. The man grinned, "Well that would just make this easier for me" The lion trembled and scoots back. The man grinned insanely and turned towards the small lion. "I could create chaos around Tokyo and make those 'Heroes' appear! And I will obtain all six animuses! And I will bring her back!"

The small lion shifts and shouts, "But the animuses isn't meant to serve evil!"  "I don't care! I need to bring her back! I will bring her back!" The man snapped. His eyes glow gold as he raised his hand, his golden ring shining like the sun.

"Leonis! Paws raised!"


Akaashi groaned internally as he bangs his head on his desk. Sure they were no volleyball practice today since their coach broke an ankle, but the home works his teacher gave him is truly a pain in the ass. He would love to hang with his boyfriend, but Bokuto has a tutor session this evening, So he was all on his own.

As he walks back home, he could feel a cold shiver down his spine, but he just shrugged it off, it was probably just a cold coming. But boy was he wrong because as he walks through the rows of stores, a tv turned on broadcasting the latest news. And what was on the news surprised him.

"Breaking News! The animals from Tokyo city zoo is on a rampage! We don't know why but a strange lady in a lion coat is leading the army of rampaging animals! The police are still trying their best to control the animals, but the animals are still rampaging!"

Akaashi was stunned but didn't think much of it, since the animal rampage is quite far from his house. So he just walks towards his house, still with an anxious feeling in his gut.

As soon as he enters his room, he changed into his normal clothes and saw something odd in the room.

It was a box.

A black obsidian box with ancient writings on it, picking it up like an idiot Akaashi examine it closer. The box has a symbol on it, a majestic owl with silver feathers. Curious, Akaashi opened it up.

And that's when his life change.

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