Chapter II

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As Akaashi opens the box, a blinding ray of silver light came out and circle him. Akaashi covers his eyes and the light dimmed down, uncovering his eyes Akaashi gasped softly at the scene in front of him. In the box was a choker made out of braided chains, with a grey owl feather pendant in the middle. And floating on top of it was a small owl, with dark blue, white, and silver wings feathers, along with golden beak.

Startled, Akaashi dropped the box, backing away. The owl opens its golden eyes and spoke, "Hello, Akaashi Keiji". Akaashi yelped and throw the nearest pillow at it.

To his surprise, the pillow just passes through it like smoke. "What are you? Stay away from me!" Akaashi yelped. the owl flew around him before landing on his shoulder. Akaashi whimpered and close his eyes preparing for any attack, but the owl just spoke once again, "Don't be afraid Keiji, I'm your friend!"

Akaashi looked carefully at the owl, asking softly, "What are you?". The owl smiled and answered, "My name is Azul, and I am your spirite." Akaashi cocked his head to the side, asking once more, "What is a spirite?"

Azul smiled and flew to grab the choker and putting it onto Akaashi's palm. "Spirites are animal souls who guard animuses" Akaashi looked at Azul as if it said something crazy, "Animu what now?"

Azul made soft hooting sounds, almost as if it was laughing, "Animuses, or animus when it's singular. Animuses holds amazing power from the spirite that guards it, like this owl choker, it holds the power of resurrection, winds, and flight."

Akaashi stayed silent before quickly took his phone, dialing the police number. But before he could say anything, the phone got smacked out of his hand. "Hey! What the--" "Don't please! No one is allowed to know your identity!" Azul Pleads, "You are the chosen one! Please, you've got to help..."

"No way..." Akaashi mutters, stroking the choker's pendant softly. Then he looked up at Azul, "But why me? Why not somebody else?". Azul smiled, "Because you are pure-hearted and kind! Besides I believe you're capable of stopping him"

"Him? Who's Him? Stopping who?" Akaashi asked, putting the choker around his neck. "The lion animus has gotten into the hands of an evil soul. I'm afraid that whoever has it will use it for evil purposes." Answered Azul.

Akaashi stood up and looks at the ground, muttering softly, "But are you sure I can do it?"

Azul smiled and hooted, "Don't worry, your partner will help you!"



Meanwhile, somewhere else in Tokyo, a loud scream of panic can be heard from one of the houses. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM THE CHOSEN ONE???"

A small, maroon-colored cat with a fire emblem on his forehead cackled, looking at his newly founded master's face. The said boy was wearing a shocked expression, his cat animus circling his wrist. "I already told you, you are the new catniss!"

The boy got even more pissed, "I am not going to be catniss. You fucker" The cat cackled once more before doing a backflip in the air, "Cmon, just transform! your partner is probably waiting!"

The boy rolled his eyes but complied non-the-less

"Blaze, Paws up!"


Back to Akaashi, who is now almost ready to take off.

"So you're telling me, that the weird lady leading a pack of rampaging animals was caused by this 'Villain'. So we have to stop her from causing more chaos first. What do we do after that?" Asked Akaashi.

"You have to search for the thing that got akumatized, then break it and purify everything!"

"Akumatized? Purify?" Akaashi asked once more. "There's always an item that is infected by the akuma, wich gives them power, so you have to destroy it then purify it with your silver feather!" Azul answered excitedly, while Akaashi just nodded before asking, "So how do I transform?"

"Just say, 'Azul, Wings rise!" Azul hooted.



Now, Akaashi was running from rooftops to rooftops. What was he doing? Well, he was trying to catch up to the mob of animals rampaging on the streets. After he transformed earlier, his outfit had changed from a normal t-shirt and loose pants to a midnight blue suit, with black combat boots and a dark blue and silver mask. His previously plain grey animus turned blue, silver, and white striped. The tips of his hair also turned silver.

But that wasn't the weirdest part, after transforming, he obtained a pair of dark blue and silver owl wings, with elegant feathers that glinted in the sunlight. Azul didn't teach him how to use his wings, and he didn't see his partner anywhere, so he's just trying to catch up with the animal stampede.

And as he got closer and closer to the stampede, he could see the lady with a lion coat on top of a horse. And acting on impulse, Akaashi jumped from the roof, tackling the lady to the ground.

"OW! What the hell kid?!" The lady shouts. Akaashi pinned her to the ground, muttering under his breath, "What am I supposed to do now?". While Akaashi thinks, the lady took advantage and kick Akaashi on the stomach.

The kick made Akaashi let go of the lady, groaning in pain. The lady approached I'm with a smirk, "So this is our so-called 'Hero' eh? Not that powerful I see..." She licked her lips, "Well this is the end kiddo, I need to bring your choker back to my leader~"

Akaashi stared in horror as the lady reached for his animus. But just as she grabbed the choker, a baton hit her hard in the head. "OW! Jeez, what the hell?" She yelped. They both looked at the figure who had his baton back in hand.

The figure is wearing a similar suit to Akaashi's, but the boy's suit was maroon with a white middle. He wore dark red combat boots that look like cat paws, white fingerless gloves, a maroon mask, and a bracelet that Akaashi assumed is his animus. The boy stands around 5'5" with short brown hair and shining brown eyes under his mask.

Like Akaashi, he has animal-like features as well. in this case a pair of brown cat ears and tail. The boy growled, "Let go of my partner, you bitch"

The lion-lady smirks and stands up, eyeing the boy up and down, "Oh wow, a middle schooler? Calling me a bitch? Well-" She was cut off by a kick to the shin. The boy bared his cat-like fangs and hissed, "I'm in high school, you bastard"

Lion-lady spits out blood before extending her claws, charging at the boy. He managed to dodge but Lion-Lady kept swinging her claws. 'If he kept dodging like that he'll lose his energy..'

So he decided to stop being useless and help. He fumbles with his suit, trying to search for any weapon he owns. Finding something in his back pocket, he pulled it out. Turns out it's a fan, made out of blue and silver feathers.

Akaashi throws the fan at her without thinking, and the fan hits her right in the head. The lady turned at Akaashi, fangs bared and she charged. Akaashi's instinct kicked on out of nowhere and he jumped, flapping his wings in the process, sending him straight up to the sky. Screaming slightly, he flapped his wings as he falls, almost hitting the ground. The cat boy looked at him in awe and Akaashi snatched him by his collar and they flew up together.


"Yo that was sick!" The cat boy exclaimed. Akaashi just deadpanned at him, before hissing, "'Sick'?! We could've died!"

"And?" The cat boy smirked before his expressions turned serious again. "But seriously, we need to stop her before she causes more trouble." Akaashi nodded before asking, "How are we going to that, and who are you?"

The boy turned to him before smiling and holding his hand out, "You can just call me Red Paws, or Red if you want. What's your name?" Akaashi thought for a bit, and since he has silver-tipped hair...

"You can call me Silver Wings"

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