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The rays of light hit the sleepy girl's face as she tried to open her eyes. She groaned with tiredness and struggled to get out of bed only to find herself wrapped in her partner's arms.

Seonim gasped as she carefully removed his arms from her neck, "Oh my God, what did I just do? Ew, ew, ew," she mumbled, hitting her temples. For some reason, she felt really hot and her heartbeat was surprisingly faster.

"What's ew?" she heard Taeyong groan.

Quickly the female turned around and responded, "Nothing, just found something disgusting,"

Before Taeyong could talk she quickly rushed into the bathroom to get ready and opened her suitcase. Looking inside, she decided to find some clothes that look clean and formal to blend in.

Seonim wore a black turtle neck jumper and black jeans with black combat boots. She grabbed her blazer and walked out of the room to let her partner use it.

"Wearing all black? Alright, got it," Taeyong commented as he walked into the bathroom.

The girl headed towards a section of the hotel suite and opened a section of floorboards. Before leaving, Jaehyun informed Seonim about a supply of weapons he planted under the floorboards. That's why he specifically booked those hotel rooms. Picking up a relatively large briefcase, the detective placed it on the bed and entered the code in.


The case opened up automatically as it revealed high-quality melee and shooting weapons. 

There was a shiny, silver revolver already filled with ammo.

A sharp, silver butterfly knife, with two dragons marked on its blade.

A copper black sniper with a detachable stand to come with it.

A black and gold-handled blade already sharpened, looking new.

Four bottles of tear gas.

A bleach bottle.

A bottle of hair spray. Bit random.

And lastly a lighter.

Taeyong came out of the bathroom and walked towards Seonim, who was locking the briefcase shut.

"What's that?" he questioned in curiosity.

"It's weapons for us to use," the girl crouched down responded.

"I don't remember bringing any weapons..." Taeyong commented.

"Mr Jung supplied us with some," she answered picking up the briefcase by the handle and walking out the door, "Don't forget to bring the key card!" Seonim shouted as she turned left.

Her fists rapped at 127b and she was greeted with a sleepy Mark.

"Oh hi sis, come in," he mumbled with his eyes half-opened.

She chuckled as she sat down on one of the sofas, waiting for everyone to get ready. Skinny Jeans strolled into the room and sat opposite her. It seems he was wearing the exact same as her but trainers instead of boots. She had to admit, he looked really good in it.

"You're staring again," Taeyong teased.

"Hey! I was just thinking, don't be so full of yourself," Seonim replied, lying smoothly.

The man opposite her lifted her eyebrows not believing a word she said but decided to brush it off. Taeil was the first to arrive wearing a black jumper and matching jeans. He gave us a smile and sat beside her, resting his arm on the back of the couch.

"Morning, so we need to know information about each other. Stuff that a normal friend wouldn't know. When Mark comes here we'll share some secrets, okay?" Taeil started.

"With the gang being around a lot when we get involved, we need to act more convincing so they wouldn't get suspicious. Seonim come here," Taeyong said.

He patted the seat next to him on the sofa as he smiled innocently at the girl who was looking embarrassed.

Seonim got up from her space and moved to Taeyong and sat next to him. In an instant, he wrapped his right arm around her body somewhat squishing her. She forced herself to smile at Taeil as he observed the two in amusement.

"Seonim, you need to be more convincing! Come on, you're meant to be his wife. Why don't you hold hands with him?" Taeil criticised as he smiled clearly entertained by his request.

"Ugh, do I have to?" Seonim whined and her curtain fringes came into her vision.

"Yes," Taeil shortly responded, still wearing that same smile.

The female detective sighted in annoyance and uncomfortably reached out to her 'husband's' hands and entwined them.

Just then, Mark came into the room and saw what happened. He looked at Taeyong, who was smirking at Taeil who was smiling in happiness and lastly Seonim, who was bright red from embarrassment and holding Taeyong's hand.

"Yooo what just happened?!"

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