Late night in Gotham and the reader was walking alone when 3 men started to harass her and punch her till she's on the floor all hurt and in pain, someone came and shoot the 3 men , the person takes her unconscious to his "home" to take care of her (it's Joker obviously), then when she wakes up she's scared but then thankful and turned on by him and things happen?
You were tired, your day at work got longer than expected and you had to work on extra material until 9pm. To make things worse you lived around 45 min away from work, the subway was fine, a lot of people were taking this line to go out, it made you feel safe. Cities and especially Gotham were dangerous places for women, even more if you're alone outside after 8 in the evening. Now what worried you the most was this 15 minutes' walk from the subway to your flat; the neighborhood wasn't bad in itself but there was couple of bars nearby and drunk people could really become annoying and creepy; you stopped counting how many times you had to speed your pace because of some guys calling you and even following you.
You exited the subway stop, it was getting quite cold, after all it was October. You tighten your coat around your body and walked to your flat; the way was pretty simple, you kept walking on the main street then at the crossing turn left, until you reach the adjacent street where was your flat. Even if the city made you nervous, you enjoyed the night, the few stars you could see mixed with the lights of the skyscrapers was beautiful.
"Hi..." lost in your thoughts you startled at hearing someone calling you. You quickly glanced in their direction, there was 3 guys sitting on the steps of a building, a couple of bottles around them. 'And here we go' you thought starting to be nervous.
You decided to continue walking, hopefully they will leave it at that.
"Hey Miss! C'mon don't be afraid, we just wanna talk to you!" another insisted. You continued to walk pretending not to hear them, your heartbeat increasing. You heard footsteps behind you 'shit! Please stop!' you wished, you started to increase your pace. Until you felt your arm being yanked back.
"Don't you fuckin' ignore me!" badgered the man holding your arm.
"Yeah he's being nice to you and you act like a brat..." chided the third one. You tried to snatch your arm out of his grip.
"I'm not interested, just let me go." You replied trying to hide the fear in your voice.
"What you think I'm not good enough for you?!
"I didn't say..." a heavy slap across your cheek cut you off, you can feel your cheek burning, the shock makes your eyes wet. You struggled trying to free yourself from his claws and run away. But the 2 other men joined him gripping you by your coat, shoulders, pushing towards a dark alley.
"HELP!!" you screamed at the top of your lungs 'please somebody hear me!', you received another hit, this time a fist met your jaw, sending you to the ground, you tried to crawl away from them, but despite the alcohol they were faster than you, gripping your hair tightly.
"We're gonna teach you good manners hussy!" one of them growled, kicking you in your belly, you curved into a ball trying to protect yourself, and they continued to punch you over and over again until you couldn't feel the pain anymore, but only the pounding in your head and warm drops of blood dripping from various areas of your face.
"Hey, hold her, might as well take some good time with her" tempted one as he started to take off his belt 'please not this'
A loud bang like a gunshot resonated around you "What the...!" screamed one the man, before another gunshot happened, then a third one. You wanted to move, get away but your body was becoming weaker and weaker, in fact your survival instinct was trying to keep you conscious but the hits you took had hurt you badly. The last thing you remember was a laugh, a hearty laugh, your eyelids closed, you vision becoming blurry, a red spot coming closer to you...

Joker and Arthur Imagines
FanfictionA collection of oneshots I wrote about Joker and Arthur x you. Fluff and nsfw too!