This is my family

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You and Arthur had just had a baby boy Benjamin,Arthur was getting ready for work (facepaint)and he could here you singing that's life and dancing with your baby and he was stood by the door watching you and as you finished he started clapping and you as he entered you started singing send in the clowns and Arthur started dancing and your baby was giggling and you all danced while Arthur watched you in awe , and he was being cute to you.

Your life was complete. Barely two months ago, you had given birth to a beautiful baby boy, Benjamin. It had been a very important decision you had taken with Arthur. To have a child meant a greater financial responsibility was needed. But you and Arthur couldn't stop thinking about it, when you saw other couples playing with their kids, talking about them all the time, and you loved the interaction Arthur had with children. He was going to be such a good father, you always ended up imagining him, feeding your baby, telling them a story.

And now it was a reality, and it was exactly how you imagined it. He was such a dedicated father, taking care of Benjamin when he would cry during the night, so that you could rest; insisting to take care of him so that you could take time to take care of yourself. Arthur also worked extra hard to provide everything you and Benjamin needed and even more, he was often bringing home an extra like a plush or clothe for the baby or a gift for you. You had to admit that you were worried for Arthur some days, even if when he was coming home, the second he lays his eyes on you and Benjamin, a big smile would form on his lips, his eyes would be full of happiness as if he couldn't believe he had you and a baby waiting for him.

Today he was only working in the afternoon, which was good, you had more time together, and even with the baby you had had a lazy morning in bed, cuddling with Arthur, watching him peacefully sleep as you caressed his soft curls. Of course at some point Benjamin started crying waking him up, you went to pick up your baby, cradling him to soothe him. You sat next to your lover, who was trying to wake up, his hair disheveled; his eyelids barely open.

"Is he okay?" he asked, his voice muffled by his face half buried in the pillow.

"Yeah that little pumpkin is just hungry..." you answered softly as you started to breastfeed your baby, who instantly went quiet, satisfied. Arthur chuckled at this, watching him tenderly.

Then he sat up "I'm going to make breakfast." He announced, kissing your temple and heading to the kitchen.

After breakfast which was more of a lunch considering the time at which you ate it; Arthur went back to the bedroom to get ready for work. It's something he had been doing for the past months. He would get dressed and put his makeup on at home, it was in a way to stay longer by your side. He was also trying to make Benjamin used to his look, after all some kids could be afraid by clowns, and if he were to make his own child cry, he would never forgive himself for it. For the moment Benjamin wasn't really reacting to his clown face, he would look at Arthur like he was fascinated, following it's movements; but he could recognize his voice, probably used to it from the womb when Arthur would kiss your belly, and whisper sweet words to your baby. He couldn't way for Benjamin to grow a bit older and before his gig for his son only...

That's life that's what people say

You're riding high in April

Shot down in May

Arthur stopped in his tracks, did he just hear singing?

But I know I'm gonna change that tune

When I'm on top, back on top in June

He heard it again but this time he quickly recognized your voice, he didn't get to listen to you as much as he wanted to because of his work time, and god how it was good to hear your voice. He closed his eyes to enjoy it even more.

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