You and Arthur have recently started dating, but Arthur hasn't dared yet to tell you about his job. He knows clowns are seen as uncool or scary and he worries a bit about your reaction.
You had been dating Arthur for over two weeks now, and it was going as best as you could hope for. Arthur was a lovely man you had met in the bus, he was funny, adorable and a true gentleman. You discovered you both took the same bus at the same hour everyday, he had become your ride partner until he asked you on a date. Now, you couldn't spend a day without talking to each other.
"Okay, I cooked something I'm quite proud of but I warn you, it was my first time cooking it!" you laughed as you entered your flat with your boyfriend.
"I'm sure it will be delicious, as always." replied Arthur, lightly blushing as he looked at his feet, he looked a bit...thoughtful today. You took a few steps towards him, gently taking his hands.
"Everything alright Artie?" you asked, making him look at you, briefly he got lost in your eyes, by how much love they held for him. You squeezed his hands, encouraging him to talk and making him snap out of his trance.
"Huh yeah...I huh...I wanted to tell you about my job. I just don't know if.." nervous giggle escaped his lips "If-if you will look at me the same." he articulated, taking some deep breaths to calm down. He lifted his eyes, quickly looking at you and seeing you smile softly.
"I don't think your job will make me look at you in a bad way, unless you are a hitman!" you joked, reassuring him and pulling him towards the couch, the both of you sitting down; you knew your sweet Arthur couldn't have a morally wrong job, he was too kind for that.
"I want to be a comedian but...I have yet to...get noticed. I know I will be one day." he first said, licking his lips as he thought about the best way to tell you "For now I have another job, I like it but...people not so much, they sometimes mock me or get scared." he looked down again, in pain, he truly loved to be a clown, making people smile and laugh...he wished it happened more often.
"Artie, don't worry, you can tell me. I promise I won't mock you or get scared." you murmured, squeezing his hands, your thumb lightly stroking his skin to keep soothing him. He nodded, taking some deep breaths; a few years ago he would have been excited to tell you, but now, because of people, he was worried and a bit ashamed.
"Okay I...I am a clown. I do gigs in the streets or wherever the boss sends me." he said, his tone lower than he wanted. He didn't dare to look you in the eyes, scared of rejection, of disappointing you and losing the only person who cared for him. After seconds of silence that felt like an eternity to him, he felt you lean towards him, your lips placing a tender kiss on his cheek.
"Wait here, I'll be back in a minute." you told him, leaving the couch and heading to your bedroom, he looked at you in confusion, the kiss was reassuring him, yet when you left it worried him, what was going through your mind? Barely a minute later, you were back, holding something behind your back, a light blush on your cheeks, he blinked a few times, more confused.
"Y/N? I'm a bit...what do you think about my job?" he asked, clearly showing you his confusion, and that he didn't know how to behave in front of you now that he had told you the truth. You came back to sit in front of him, a nostalgic smile forming in your lips as you showed him what you held behind your back. It was a clown plush.
"This is my plushie, I've had it since I was born, a cute clown...I was always fond of him and very attached, he never left me. For this reason I always had a particular affection for clowns." you chuckled softly, giving him the plush to let him take a closer look. His eyes were shining, he didn't expect that.... he was amazed to discover such a thing about you. "You being a clown makes me so happy." you told him sincerely. You watched as his fingertips brushed over the plush, as if he was afraid to damage it.
" truly makes you happy?" he asked, lifting his eyes to look at you hopefully, holding the plush close to his heart. You nodded, smiling.
"Happy and proud of you Arthur. Truly." you blushed again, briefly looking away "I would be even happier if someday you showed me your clown...what's your stage name?" you asked, getting curious about his character.
"It's Carnival." he answered shyly, his heart skipping a beat as he told you his name, his eyes detailing your face to observe your reaction.
"Carnival..." you tried the name on your lips, smiling "Then I would be honored to meet Carnival." you beamed, giving him a tender kiss on the lips before snuggling against him and your plush. Arthur sighed, wrapping an arm around you, resting his chin on the top of your head, processing what had just happened, smiling contently, you love his clown job!
"Does that mean I will become your plushie too?" he asked enthusiastically, almost sounding like a little boy. His words made you giggle though, he was so sweet.
"Of course, my big, warm plushie." you cooed, hugging him tightly. Oh how much your words could warm his poor heart.

Joker and Arthur Imagines
FanfictionA collection of oneshots I wrote about Joker and Arthur x you. Fluff and nsfw too!