Arthur has pretty bad mommy issues after Penny dies (which I think he would tbh) and the reader helps him cope by letting him indulge in a bit of non-sexual ageplay.
Since Penny died you noticed mood changes in Arthur, extreme mood changes. He was acting like a child, sometimes getting angry because he didn't get what he wanted. And it started to upset you, especially that day where for no big reason, he started to throw a tantrum, and the both of you started to argue until you sort of won the argument by scolding him like the child he was in that moment. Still you didn't expect him to react like this, he looked on the floor, fidgeting his fingers.
"Sorry mom" he let out in a submissive tone. You froze at this; you blink a few times, confused...but decide not to mention what he said. Instead you approached him, gently stroking his arm.
"It's alright Artie..." you reply kissing the top of his head.
For the rest of the night you couldn't stop thinking about it, it's almost like Penny's death had triggered something in him and that he was in some way regressing to a younger version of himself.
So the next day, you went to Gotham's library and do some research about mourning. You didn't really find anything which talked about that but as your ran you gaze across the books in the psychology section, you found a book which spoke about parents and children relationship, including adult children. And apparently if there is a very close relationship almost fusional, when the two persons are separated for a long period of time this can trigger from the child to behave in a certain way and in the case of an adult, generate childlike behavior. They miss the presence and care of their parent. The book recommended for partners to help in coping with this loss by engaging non- sexual age play with their partner from time to time in order to have a smooth and healthy transition from this relationship with their parent. You closed the book, you didn't feel very comfortable with this idea, you feared that Arthur would get used to this game...but at the same time you wanted him to feel better, and you simply had to take care of him in a motherly way, doesn't look like something implying sex or other things that you would refuse to do. You took a deep breath and headed back home, decided to at least try.
When you arrived at the apartment, Arthur was already there, sitting crossed-legged on the couch, watching TV.
"Hey Artie" you called him with a sweet voice, taking off your coat and shoes. You approach him, taking the remote and turning off the TV. Arthur watches you curious.
You kneel in front of him, pushing away curls from his forehead, as you do so he tenderly plants a small kiss on your wrist making you smile.
"Are you holding up?" you asked, a little worried frown forming on your face. He sighed, avoiding your gaze, he stayed silent then reached for you, so you sat next to him as he tightly hugged you, burying his head in the crook of you neck. Clearly he wasn't going any better; after holding him for a bit of time you decided it was time to talk. You gently pushed him away so that you can look at him in the eyes.
"Arthur, I would like to try something with you; I think it could help you..."
"What is it?"
"Ok...uh, so I've noticed that since Penny left us..."he winced at these words, you took his hand and gently squeezed it "I've noticed that you behave differently, like a younger you, like a child..."
"I'm sorry Y/N..." he muttered, looking away ashamed.
"No Artie it's alright! You and Penny were very close, and...and I want to help you feel better...I was thinking about hum...god how to explain that? I think it could be a good idea if you actually let go and express yourself this way? I will not judge you, I will be here for you and I will take care of you...just like the mom you've always deserved..."You pause giving him time to process what you were proposing.

Joker and Arthur Imagines
FanfictionA collection of oneshots I wrote about Joker and Arthur x you. Fluff and nsfw too!