Draupadi Swayamvar

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Draupadi got ready for the Swayamvar. She was taken to the hall, where the program is going to be conducted with Subhadra, Dhristidyumna and some maids in her sides. They reached the hall. Drupad addressed Draupadi to everyone and ordered Dhristidyumna to start the program.

All the kings and princes present there were gazing at Draupadi and Subhadra lustfully.

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Arjun, who was in the disguise if Brahmin wanted to kill the kings and princes, who were starting with lust at them

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Arjun, who was in the disguise if Brahmin wanted to kill the kings and princes, who were starting with lust at them. But Yudhisthira said him to calm down.

Draupadi's eyes were on Yudhisthira. She couldn't remove her eyes from him. Here Subhadra and Arjun were continuously staring at each other. Arjun was feeling like to run to her and hug her, but he can't. All the Kings and princes were feeling jealous seeing them.

Suddenly Subhadra broke the stare and saw everyone staring at her with a lustful gaze.

" Ahm... ahm... Kings and princes, I just wanted to inform u that, it's Princess Draupadi's Swayamvar, not mine. So u all stare at her not me. This is my humble request", said Subhadra. Draupadi somehow controlled her giggle.

" Subhadra, u are requesting then to gaze at me🤣... So funny", said Draupadi. Both of them giggled.

" Ok, so now the Swayamvar will start. My sister, Princess Draupadi, is going to ask a question and u all have to answer it. The one who gives the correct answer, will tie knot with my sister. Hope u all understand the rules of this competition", said Dhristidyumna and signalled Draupadi to ask the question.

" So my question is, "What is the true meaning of body?" ", asked Draupadi. Everyone gave random answers which she didn't like.She was waiting for Yudhisthira to answer.

After sometime, Yudhisthira came forward. He bowed before the king. Drupad permitted him to give the answer.

" Body, is the temple of God. We always keep temple neat and clean, but sometimes we forget about our body, which is the holy place of God. God is omnipresent. God is everywhere. He is in each and every corner of our body. As he stays in us, so our body is the temple of God. "Aham Brahmashmi", meaning, God is holy, his place is inside our body. So we must keep our body holy. Holy body, is the place of God. God stays in them, who is holy, whose thought & mind is holy. That's the true meaning of body. We are the temple if God", said Yudhisthira calmly.

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