Mai || Disney Magic

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Today was my first day at my new job, and I was excited to say the least. Recently, I had decided that my old workplace was not the right fit for me, so I started searching for a new one. After a little while, I found a notice saying that Disney World needed more employees.

Now, having lived in Florida for two years while I went to college, I knew all about how big of a deal Disney was. I also knew that it would be a better fit for me, as I was definitely a bit of a Disney fan myself.

So, with all of this in mind, I applied for the job, and eventually, I was asked to join their staff.

After pulling on my uniform, eating a quick breakfast, and just getting myself ready, I made my way out of my house. My (f/c) 2020 Honda Fit was sitting outside, waiting for me to take it for a drive. I hopped into the driver's seat, before sliding the key into the ignition and turning it.

The car revved to life, and I plugged the aux chord into my phone. I scanned the screen, looking for a playlist to put on while I drove to work, eventually settling on "Disney Classics." It seemed appropriate, but at the same time, Disney music is fantastic.

The first song to come up after hitting shuffle was "Be Our Guest," pleasantly surprising me. Finally, I began to head to work. Since I lived so close to the theme parks, the drive would not be very long. It took about 15 minutes, and by then I was amply ready for the day.

I pulled into an open parking spot, and turned the car off. Right outside my window, the large gates of Disney stood, waiting for the morning rush of guests to enter.

After a deep breath, I made my way towards the staff entrance. Hopefully I would find someone who could show me where I was assigned, since they had told me that I would be given my location on my first day.

The staff has multiple entrances, so I went to the closest one. We had been given a tour a couple weeks ago, so I knew my way around.

On the other side of the door was a set of stairs, so I started my decent down them in order to reach the tunnels. The staff members had talked about how they used the tunnels underneath the park to get to different parts of the park during our tour, and showed us all of the different doors that led to them.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, my eyes wandered, trying to find someone who looked like they were in charge. Eventually, they locked onto a man with a clipboard and an earpiece who seemed like someone who could help me figure out where to go.

I quickly made my way over to him, but as I was within a few feet of him, I saw a woman walk over and begin to make conversation. She was dressed in a long dress, which I soon recognized as Aurora's.

The pink fabric stretched down to the floor, gently brushing against it every so often. I shook myself out of my thoughts, and walked the rest of the way over.

As soon as I had made it into their view, the two of them noticed me. They finished up their conversation, and the man turned to face me.

"Hello, are you here to get your assignment?" I nodded, and he began to shuffle through his papers.

"What's your name?" He asked, not sparing me even a glance.

"(F/N)(L/N)," the woman next to me sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. I turned my head slightly to look at her, and I now had a clear view of her face.

Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, which gave me an even better view of her face. She had full lips, that were currently curved downwards in a scowl, and gorgeous golden eyes, though they were partially covered by her bangs. The man in front of me let out an "aha!" leading me to believe that he had found what he was looking for.

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