15~ Something Wrong

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I got out of the shower and headed to my bedroom to change, rubbing a towel over my hair. My phone buzzed relentlessly on my bed with messages.

I decided to ignore them. All I'd been getting since yesterday were disgusting jokes and memes about Diana and Amy. And when Harry accidentally opened his big mouth and told Lucas, everything escalated.

Why was he always such a blabbermouth? He used to call me the tattletale.

I ran downstairs once I was ready. Harry came after me, yawning tiredly, his mouth stretched wide open. With a smile, I stuck my elbow inside. He stopped yawning and his eyes popped open.

"Tommy!" He tried to punch me as I laughed.

Diana came down, a strange smile on her face. After yesterday, I thought she'd be beyond angry. She didn't even tell our parents what happened, which I found pretty weird. Wouldn't she want us to get grounded or something?

"See you, Mom!" I went to the door.

"Bye, Dad!" Harry yelled.

"Be careful!"

"Don't get thrown off!"

"We won't," Harry snickered, making me laugh.

We didn't expect the driver to literally kick Diana off the bus. All we did was toss her an orange. But if we didn't do something, that girl would've told her everything, and the whole bus would be there for it. We didn't mean for it to go that far.

But we were definitely not getting off with her, especially in front of everyone.

One look at her on the first day of school was enough to spread so many rumors. All in one day. This was exactly why we didn't want her here.

Hopefully, if we kept pushing her around, she'd decide to leave. I'd been counting on her quitting on the first day, but she was a lot more resilient than we thought.

We got on the bus and ignored the whispers and giggles, slumping in our seats. It was best not to feed it. In school, I received the same looks. Yesterday, people had looked at me with shock, confusion, mischief, and pity. Today, it was all sort of... weird smiles and giggles.

Everything was a joke now. The ultimate gossip of the year.

Entering my Honors Art History class, I put down my bag, sitting in the desk I chose yesterday. My phone continued buzzing in my pocket.

I sighed. I'd have to face it sooner or later.

Reluctantly, I pulled it out and went into the FamiliarFaces app. My notifications were flooded and my inbox was overflowing. Bruh, did they have to be so obsessed with this?

Shirley Heffer reacted to your story.

Jason Diver commented on your post.

Lucas Flynn commented on your post.

I frowned. I hadn't posted in a while.

When I clicked on the post, I received the shock of my life. I could feel the color draining from my face.

What. The. F—

"Hey, Field," someone whispered behind me. I turned, meeting eyes filled with laughter. "Could you send me those pictures later?" he said. "Where'd you get stuff that good?"

I huffed and ignored him, returning to the post. Endless comments were posted below, from my family, friends...

Oh, God. Shirley.

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