28~ Belonging

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October 9th, 2023

"School Council, Mathheads, Key Club, Book Club, Chess Club-"

"Thelma, you are n-not going to have t-time for all that!" Kate stared at her in bewilderment. "We only ever see you at l-lunch."

"I'll make time. Let's see, what else...?"

"What else? Girl, you've m-mentioned half the clubs in the s-school already."

"Doesn't mean I'll join them."

"What are you joining, Kate?" Blanche asked.

"I'm n-not sure yet. Maybe Drama Club. Is there, like, a f-fashion club?"

"I don't think so," said Alma, shaking her head.

"What are you guys in?"

"I'm not in that many," said Blanche. "I'm in the Summit Family of Foster Kids, Chess Club... and I think I joined the Dance Club, but I never went."

My ears perked up. Foster Kids?

"Besides the Welcoming Committee, I'm in the Latino Student Union, the Music Club, and the Anime Club." Alma numbered her clubs on her fingers. "I think I joined the Gaming Club, but I forgot."

"What are you joining, Diana?" Thelma asked.

"Um... I thought about the Book Club, like you."

"Oh, awesome!" She brightened.

"And Blanche, did you say there was a club for foster kids?"

"Yeah, Summit Family of Foster Kids. It's pretty small."

"You think I should join?"

She shrugged. "Why shouldn't you? It's pretty chill. We just meet up during a free period and talk. There's snacks and stuff."

We finally reached the gymnasium, continuing our slow pace. Tables were lined up all along the walls, each decorated with banners and glittery posters identifying their clubs. On their surfaces were bowls of candy, info posters, and pamphlets detailing what the clubs did. A few already caught my eye; 'Writing Club', 'Cooking Club', 'RTS Choir'.

"I'm gonna start on the left and work my way around," said Thelma. "Diana, you want to come?"

"Um... no, you go ahead." I didn't want to ruin her chances. She already had a tarnished reputation being my friend.

"Anyone w-want to come with me?" Kate looked at us.

"I'll go," said Alma.

"I'm not joining anything else." Blanche shrugged, going to the foster kids' table.

My eyes scanned the tables as I decided which one to go to first. 'RTS Track and Cross Country', 'Deaf and Blind Student Association', 'RTS BeaverNews', 'Summit High Tutors'.

The track team was an option...

With my stomach churning, I approached the table. There were two, one hosted by boys and one by girls. Many of their eyes landed on me, their smiles fading and their conversation screeching to a halt.

Relax. Deep breath. Yanking my sleeves further down, I put on my best smile. "Um, hi."

One of the girls smiled and glanced at her teammates, leaning on the table. "Hi! You interested in running track or cross country?"

"Um... either one. What's the difference?"

"Well, track runs are usually a lot shorter. There's a series of different events we have to complete. And it's all on even ground. As for cross-country, it's a single run, but a lot longer, and the terrain is uneven and a lot more difficult to run."

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