blood - dream

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TW // Jan 5 , Blood , pain

Congrats, you're speedrunninh life and you're now 18

The Day of Reckoning was supposed to happen today. Dream and I planned it. We had Technoblade and Philza on our side, nothing could go wrong. I was smart in redstone, I was supposed to set up the machines while withers and dogs and Technoblade fought below me and Dream. It was a good day.

Currently, we were getting prepared for it. Techno was brewing potions at an insane speed, Phil helping. Dream was gathering the redstone he could find in Techno's place. After he was done with that, he challenged me to a spar, since Techno wasn't done.

Of course I accepted, what was I? Some kind of pussy?

Combat might not be my mastery, but I'm pretty damn good at it. So, here we were, hand to hand fighting. We were circling each other, waiting for the other to make a move. Dream, being the impatient bastard he was, stroke first. I dodged with ease, and swiftly shot out a kick. Unfortunately, he dodged that as well, jumping over my leg and instead kicking me in my stomach.

That knocked the wind out of me for a while.

Nonetheless, I managed to grab his ankle and pull him down. I got on top of him with ease and decided to give a few light punches to his face and a knee to his stomach. In return, he forced my knees down with his calves and my private parts were now exposed. He easily could've kicked there. I cringed at the idea, and did my best to focus on holding him down while also getting my knees out of the position they were in.

It didn't turn out that way...

Instead, he easily got on top of me, his elbow gently against my throat and hands holding down mine. His legs tangled mine easily, and I was basically stuck. I looked into his smug eyes and spit on his nose. It certainly caught him off guard because he put some pressure off.

I used it to my advantage and threw him off me. Usually, this would be the time I would run and get my brother, but I'd still like to spar. So I stood up and put my hands out.

Dream was swiftly up, hands up and ready. "Damn Y/n, you're really using everything you've got."

"It's what Techno always told me...that being said..."

I squated down, to avoid a punch, but also kicked my leg out, making him trip over it. He was on the ground in seconds, and in those seconds, I put half my weight on my legs and half of it holding down his arms. My elbow made its way over to his neck, and I kept my face blank, even though I was beating dream, a pvp legend.

Speaking of pvp legend...he tapped out. I got off him and jumped. "Holy shit! I beat you! Techno! I beat Dream!" I yelled running to the house.

"You beat me because you spit in my face!" He yelled with fake anger.

"I used what I could! And I still beat you!"

"Damn Dream, loosing your touch much?" Techno teased.

"Shut up Technoblade," he grumbled. "How much longer? We need to get there soon."

"The potion is almost done, so as soon as it is, we can go." Techno replied, playfulness leaving his voice immediately.

I frowned. Right, time to blow up L'manburg with my other brothers in it. They'll get out of there, they're not dumb. As much as they've wrong us, I still care about them. They're blood, ya know?

Dream must've seen my face. He came over and swiftly gave me a hug. "Hey, it'll be fine. Remember when Tommy killed your fox? Remember when he left you out for the cold? Tommy and Tubbo are bad people. They deserve this. They deserve their country to be blown to pieces." He whispered in my ear.

Rage filled my body. But at the same time, reluctantness did. I could always get another fox. I couldn't get another brother.

"Besides, Y/n, they're turning on each other anyway. You saw how Tubbo was eager to exile Tommy. You saw how happy L'manburg was without him. That happiness can't be reached again." Phil cut in.

"I still can't believe...his own dad...his brother-"

"I stopped being his brother when he turned on me to be with his best friend thats betrayed him billions of times." Techno raged.

"'t this a little extreme? Surely you've got to somewhat care about them still? What about Ghostbur? Can we at least get Friend out of there?"

They all knew my love for animals. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, especially animals. Dad sighed, "...Sure Y/n. Let me go ahead and save the animals. I'm gonna need two invis pots."

I grinned. "Thank you Dad."

Techno was rather reluctant to give them to him, but still did. And then, Dad was off. He sprinted to the portal, and that was the last I saw of him for a little while.

"We should get going. We told them three, we should be at least an hour early so they can't stop us. I doubt they have preparations but just in case." Dream said all solider like. I hate it when they did that.

"Right. Y/n, grab the rest of the potions and Dream take some wither skulls. Y/n go ahead, one last thing Dream has to help me with." Techno said.

I give him a questioning look but go ahead anyway. For some reason, I couldn't stomach what we were about to do. I'm usually fine with blowing shit up, but today was just...not good. It could've been the fact that they were my brothers and friends, it could've been the fact that there were innocents (humans are not innocent at all, they don't deserve to live). Right, humans aren't innocent. Never mind.

I heard quiet footsteps approach. Instantly, I can tell it's Dream. "Piggy back ride, bitch boy." I say with a grin. I see the playful annoyedness as I jump on his back. Techno was in front of us now. "What'd he do?" I whispered.

"Just threatened my life if you got hurt, ya know, the usual."

I sigh and lean on his shoulder. "I get that he's my older brother, but damn he's too protective of me sometimes."

"Well...everyone else has betrayed him. It's been you and Phil that's stuck with him for the longest. You were with him during Hypixel, so it only makes sense he protects you." He pauses. "But even before he threatened my life, I woulda jumped in front of fireworks for you."

A warmth fills my chest. I smile and snuggle into his shoulder. In those quiet moments, where I heard snow crunch underneath our feet, I heard the small intakes of breath my brother, I felt peaceful. It was quiet. The voices were content. It was weird, being this quiet. I saw Techno look back at me, and I instantly knew that they had quieted down for him too.

We made it to the nether portal, and out of the nether in just a few minutes. We then made our way down to the tunnel of the dogs. When Techno told me about this, i straight up said no. It was not happening. But he said that he had this special potions that wouldn't let any of the dogs get hurt. So, I reluctantly agreed.

Before he put the potions on the dogs, he gave them all food. I pet my favorite and named Max, and then let him splash potions on all of them. And then he's off, and it's just me and Dream.

"We gotta prepare some TNT, let's go." And then we dash off, different route, same destination. Nerves bursted in my stomach, but rage did so even more.


"All the blood looks really good on you, ya know? Red's a great color on you." Dream says maliciously.

We looked out on the once to be country of L'manburg. It was blown to bedrock. Fire spread across the land, screams of terror, of pain, of anguish made their ways to us. Echos of memories run around here. I see distantly the drug van and I can see a transperant Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo declaring L'manburg as a new country, separate from Dream.

It was sad to see go, but it was well deserved.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to wear it more, my king." I say sarcastically.

And as a firework burts in the background, as a scream of pain erupts from someone's mouth, Dream pulls me in close. He takes off his mask, and I'm met with the most green eyes I've ever seen.

And then...we kissed.

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