traitor - eret

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Set in an AU where L'manberg and DreamSMP are real.

"How could you Eret?!" I scream at him. It was after the war, the entirety of L'manberg was in ruins. Tears raced down my face and I felt my throat choke up. "I can't believe you would do that to us! To me!" My heartbeat was in my ears. Anger ran through my entire body but so was a mixture of betrayal and sadness. "We fucking trusted you! I fucking trusted you..." my voice getting softer as I speak.

"I'm sorry y/n, it just had to be this way," He said, his deep voice filled with guilt.

"But it didn't!" I scream in agony. "You could've stayed with me! But you just had to and pick being a king over being with me. You're a fucking selfish bastard." I then try to take my leave.

"No, wait, y/n please-"

"Eret, what the fuck are you doing here, you traitor? Why are you harassing y/n?" A new voice said. Wilbur had approached, shooting death glares at the other Brit. "You trying to take them to the other side? Get the fuck out of here."

"Eret, I think it's best you do what he says." I mumble distantly.

"Y/n, please-"

"Go Eret. Leave."

Then, I turned around, getting away from him and the ruins of L'manberg. The sight was as depressing as Eyeore, and it just made me sad. I decided to head to my house on the outskirts of both the countries at war. My small part of the entire world was hidden. It was filled with wildlife and gorgeous trees and flowers. Everything there was natural, except for my small cottage. It was my happy spot, and I was so glad no one else knew about it.

Well, except Eret.

But he swore never to come here alone or tell this to anyone, even before this war had ever happen. I trusted him that much, if I'm being honest. For the next few hours, I cooked myself and my dog Lilia some food and read. It was the first peaceful evening I've had in a while, and god damn did I enjoy it.

The air smelt like steak but that scent was slowly fading as the fresh breeze came in through my windows. My chair felt extra soft and comfortable, but maybe that was because I hadn't sat down in it, in a while. Lilia was being extra needy, but that was probably due to the fact that I had been at war for forever. The book I was immersed in felt so real, it was like I was getting swept away into the land of fairies and dragons. My problems and stresses all gone.

That was until a few knocks at my door sounded.

Panic shot through my heart because I knew exactly who that was. He was the only person that knew this place existed, and I really didn't want to deal with him right now. The traitor. He made me anxious just at the thought. Reluctantly, I got up and went to answer the door. A blush found its way to my cheeks when I saw him standing there. He seemed nervous too, his stance not as confident as usual and he was twisting at his knuckles.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"I want to explain myself, please just hear me out." He begged with a small voice.

I hesitated. Yes, he betrayed us, betrayed me, but we were also friends before the war. We trusted each other with absolutely everything, gave each other every thing we needed, it was a peaceful life. "Fine, okay, whatever. Come on."

He looked relieved and walked in. "Please, just listen to me first, okay?"


"Okay, thank you. So let's start from the beginning, yeah? When Wilbur wanted to start this revolution and invited the both of us to it. You knew my worries with the revolution, and you knew I didn't think we were on the right side in the first place. However, I stuck around for you. You were the only one that made me stay. And then, remember our little squabble? The one over some food? Well for some reason, I took that way too much to heart. So, when I went out on the walk, I was approached by the big green bastard himself. He asked me why I was outside of L'manberg and what had happened. I told him that you and I had a little bit of the fight and I told him that I was already iffy with this whole L'manberg thing.

And then he decided to talk me into joining him, with promises of me being a king. I accepted on the terms that no one were to harm you and that if you wanted, you could join the other side with me. He agreed. So that was when I had started sneaking away to help plan with Dream and everyone else. I was going to tell you, I seriously was, but then Dream told me not too, just to wait and see if, when I did turn, you would join me.

When you didn't, even when I tried to drag you back with me, everything inside me was crushed. But I had to move forward and keep fighting. Dream kept his promise and told everyone to never hurt you. That was the one thing that made me feel decent." He finished, sighing gently. "I really wanted you to join us, to join me, and I can't understand why you didn't! DreamSMP has everything. We could've ruled the land together. We would've been overpowered y/n!"

"But that's not what should be our main goal, Eret! L'manberg has connections and it's something we all control together because we're all best friends! You didn't understand it then, and you don't now. I can't believe you would choose power over friendship!" I shout at him, shaking with anger or sadness.

"The power we would've held would get us friendships!" Eret shouted in rage. It was scary seeing him like this, and I seriously flinched at his voice. Lilia came over to wonder what was happening and she saw that I was scared as hell. A snarl and growl had appeared on her face and she looked ready to bite at any moment.

"That's not real friendship Eret! How can you not understand that?!" My voice was getting shaky. "Was that all you thought with our friendship? You just wanted me for power?" Hurt and disappointed filled my voice as well.

He took a few steps towards me, cupping my face as I held back tears, "No, Y/n, never with you. I am, or was, friends with you because you made me feel good. Being with you was always the highlight of my fucking day."

"It was for me too..." I said, looking down.

"Y/n, look at me," he says gently. I look up at his hazel eyes. They were calming, but had flecks of dying rage in them. "I miss you so much. So, so much. Even if it's only been a week. I really want you to be with me and be my partner again. Please join me in DreamSMP."

I suck in a small breath. It was hard to reject his begging voice, it was hard to reject him. But I couldn't leave Tubbo and Tommy. I couldn't leave Wilbur, even if we weren't that close. But being with Eret...Eret made me so happy. It felt like he could just say anything and it would make me feel light. We were really good partners in crime.

"I can't do that to Tubbo, you know how heartbroken he would be. I'm basically his older sister, Eret. And he's never going to leave Tommy."

He sighs in frustration. "God, why did this even have to happen in the first place!" He exclaims, taking his hands away from my face and putting them up in a fist. "Fucking Wilbur and Dream. The fucking leaders of our stupid world!"

I sight, resting my hand on his shoulder. "I know, Er, I know. This is all ridiculous and I'm not sure why Dream had to even fight against us for taking a small piece of land. But it's all going to be okay, I promise."

"Hey, you know, since I'm king, maybe we can make a treaty?"

"Holy shit, we could!" I exclaim, grinning. Then, I realize how difficult Wilbur is going to be, "You might have to just agree with whatever Wilbur says though..."

"Anything for you, Y/n. Anything for you." He says, taking me in his arms and giving me a huge hug.

"Thank you Eret, thank you so god dam much."

Aloha everyone! Thanks so much for 1.2k reads! Like seriously I love you all so much. Have a good day/night/sleep cuties, :D

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