hickeys and parents - sapnap

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TW// Light cnc at the end.

Also this leans more towards enby folk :)

"Nick..." I whined.

"Yes baby?" He moaned breathily, getting right back to what he was doing before, which was sucking and even biting my neck.

"We have to meet my parents tomorrow..." I say before sucking in a breath. He found my sweet spot, I mean, of course he does, he always does.

"Nope, I'm gonna let them see how much of a slut you are..."

I attempted to pull away but somehow Nick knew that was gonna happen, so he tugged me  right back into place. I have to admit, it felt so, so good, but we really couldn't embrass ourselves tomorrow, my parents are judgmental assholes.

"Nick, seriously, we can't. We have to go meet my parents for breakfast tomorrow." I demand, pulling away then heading to the mirror to see the damage he had done.

He sighed, "You're right, I'm sorry cutie. Lemme find a CVS or something so we could get some makeup."

I blushed at that, "No it's fine baby, I think I have enough for tomorrow." I replied, getting back into bed. "I love you so much."

"I love you so so much." He said in a playful challenging voice.

"I love you so so so much."

"Fine, you win. Let's head to bed my love."

That got me blushing wildly. Then he scooped me into his arms. Exhaustion crept into my bones but it seemed my mind couln't stop thinking. It was trying to figure out how the hell I got so lucky. He was almost too good to me. He was sweet and genuine and caring and loving and knows exactly how to cheer me up, but he was also a little bit too protective, and he also loved claiming what was his. It was like I almost never got out of the house with a bruise on my neck.

"Close your eyes, love."

I giggled softly, "Okay handsome, goodnight, I love you."


When my alarm went off the next morning, I found herself still snuggled in between Nick and the covers, never wanting to leave. But alas, we had to. I squeezed his arm gently and cooed at him to wake him up. "Nicky, c'mon love, wake up please."

He groaned and opened his eyes reluctantly. "Five more minutes, please."

Oh my god, I forgot how cute his tired voice actually was, "No baby, we have to get up right now." When he didn't make any movements, I decided to play something...fun, "If you get up right now, you can mark me up some more later tonight~" I sing-songed.

That made him shoot right up. "I'm up, I'm up!" He exclaimed, yawning and stretching.

I smiled at him, "Time to get ready my love."


And so we had gotten up and went to get ready. While I was putting on the little bit of foundation I had left (because this was quite the common occurrence), Nick had a small smirk on the entire time, even though he was "looking at his phone". Finally, my makeup was done and then I went to go get some clothes. I had decided on a blue shirt and some jean shorts because it was kind of hot in Texas today.

"You ready, cutie?" He asked, surprising me and pulling me into a behind hug.

"I believe so!" I laughed while chills were going up and down my spine

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