23 - ✨Everything stays✨

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*Thomas's POV*
I feel myself shaking a bit. Joan had to leave after making sure I was alright and every since they hung up my thoughts were eating me up. Was Nico okay? Did he hurt Nico? Why is he taking so long?

The more I thought, the more I hated myself for thinking. It's like... ugh, it's like Remus and Virgil has a fuzion and decided to torture me. Memories of what he did mixed up with my fears and worries formed a grotesque medley of anxious intrusive thoughts that just wouldn't leave me be. I felt like a rabbit with a non-lethal bullet wound, just wishing to be put out of my misery. 

I wished to be stronger so I could get up and go find him, but the simple idea terrified me. Besides, my legs felt like felly and would throw me to the ground if I tried to get up.

So I waited until I heard him closer to me, looking up. He looked conserved, but had this expression that made me sure uf would all be okay. I could feel my thought melt away. He didn't had any bruises or bloody wounds, he didn't even looked like he had been fighting. Despite being curious, I was overwhelmed by relief. 

-Sorry I left you alone for so long... Are you okay? - before I could react, he shook his head. - Of course you're not, who would after what happened... what kind of question is that? Sorry. - I wanted to chuckle at his antics, but I couldn't even bring myself to focus my eyes for long. - You don't look well... Do you think you can get up?

-I-I'm not sure...

I got a little embarrassed of how weak I feel. He extends his hand though, offering me support.

-Up we go... - he tried to help me up, but my legs gave in and I nearly collapsed onto him. - Hey, hey, it's okay, I got you... Gezz you're so pale...

-I'm sorry... - I muttered he kept me steady.

-There's nothing to be sorry for, Thomas, it was not your fault, okay? It's not your fault.

I nod, letting him set me on the couch carefully. I try to take some deep breaths to calm down from the shock and he helps me, wrapping me in a weighted blanket and grabbing me a water bottle.

-Drink a bit, okay? It'll help any residual panic headache and calming your breath down, so as the shivers.

The warms around me and his hand on my covered shoulder already help tons, but I comply as my head feels lighter than usual.

It does make my breath slower, which is good.

Yet, I'm still patanoidly looking around, my eyes never stopping as I always think I see a shadow in the corner of my eye, all my muscles tense.

-What happened outside? Is... Is he gone? - I manage the strength to ask. I need to know. 

-He is. I called the police and they took him away. He was already wanted for more similar crimes and they will want to talk to you if you're okay with that, but that's tomorrow's problems. Right now, focus on the present, okay?  

I let go a breath I didn't knew I was holding, allowing myself to relax a little. He's locked up now, or about to be. I'll be fine... 

His voice was soft and reassuring it took me a huge effort not to slip into my head space though. The fear and panic really made me feel small and fuzzy, but I can't be small with Nico. Not yet. 

I nodded, drinking more water. 

-We don't have to go anywhere tonight if you're not on the best condition to, I fully understand. In fact, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to.

He was just so understanding and sweet it made me want to clinch my chest. But I didn't. No, that'd be too sappy. I just smiled at him.

-Maybe we can eat here and watch a movie on the couch? - I sheepishly asked.

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