A Journey to the Underworld

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Remembering vow that Somnus made
For freedom god with promise paid.
To help him journey down to realm
Where dead abide and over whelm.

The hero waits for night to fall
When all the world must heed the call.
Of sandman god of sleep and dreams
Whose sack of soot their rest does bring.

And Somnus half their lives will take
For sleep that grimest god does make.
So Heras Wrath at gate does set
To wait for god who must abet.

His journey down to tomb so deep
That world that hades claims as keep.
Then after long he sees the god
On path to city gliding trod.

And Heras Wrath does upward stand
To claim his debt the heroes plan.
"I bid thee Somnus god of sleep
To draw yet nigh and godling meet.

For many years now passed since glade
Where god of sleep his promise made.
To take me down where dead abide
And keep me safe and godling hide."

Then god of sleep recalls his vow
And turns to speak and head does bow
"I'll hold my bargain true and fair
And take you down to deep with care.

But life's not promise upon road
We take to go to deaths abode.
For many dangers down there lurk
Where seldoms wrought a righteous work.

And many ghost you've made on path
You took to free yourself from task.
Their sure to seek the heroes life
By using spectral means for strife.

So demi-god will hide in cloak
I wear that's made of dream like smoke.
To keep himself from being known
When deathly realm we go to roam."

And demi-god assents to plan
For pair to go to dying land.
Inside the cloak that god now wore
Thus ending well his final chore.

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