The Third Labor: The Hind of Ceryneia

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So hero hunts the hallowed hind
Through barren plains and thickest pines.
And beast with golden horns on head
Across the world now quickly sped.

From realm to realm the creature flees
To hide from godlings hunting spree.
It's brazen hooves the ground did grasp
Like stabbing knives they plow the grass.

Uncanny strength the beast does bear
So creature harshest wilds can dare.
And all the realms of earth may trod
To hide from sight of demi-god.

But hero needs no rest or sleep
And bears no part in Somnus keep.
He chases doe both day and night
So hind may never rest from plight.

As prey of mighty demi-god
Who chases deer through world abroad.
But hero never harms the hind
Though given chance so many times.

For Selene god of hunt and moon
Would send the godling down to tomb.
For harming fav'rite beast so dear
That goddess held to heart so near.

So careful hero chases beast
Through all the lands both west and east.
In hopes to spare the hind from harm
Through weary labor beast disarm.

So many moons did come and go
While demi-god did chase the doe.
The seasons change with passing time
As doe the earth descends and climbs.

But debt to Somnus deer did owe
And down to darkness beast did go.
To serve in realm of world unknown
And lays as still as granite stone.

To serve in realm of world unknown And lays as still as granite stone

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So after year the hero spies
The place where Selenes hind now lies.
And binds the deer to carry nigh
To shoulders lifts he doe on high

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