Chapter 12 / Feelings of guilt

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Sam and Penny's shift started in one hour, but they really didn't feel like it - which was really rare. Both loved their job, but the time together even more. "Do you know, if Ellie is on shift with us?", Penny asked, knowing he always  knew the shift schedule.

Sam hesitated a moment, before he answered. "If nothing has changed, then yes."

"I don't know, what to think, what to say! I'm so angry, that she seemend up to something, but also disappointed in her, that she wanted to take advantage of my past."

Sam put both hands on her waist and pulled her closer again. "We'll see, what she has to say", Sam smiled and that made her laugh a bit.

Ellie has always been very stubborn, if she wanted something, she wanted it! She would walk over corpses to achieve her goal, to make her dreams come true. Is there a limit or is everything allowed in the love?

"Come on let's go, otherwise we'll be late", said Sam, when he grabbed Penny's keys and ran out the door. "Hey stop, Sam Jones!", Penny laughed and ran after him. When Penny caught up with him, she grabbed her keys and put them in her pocket. Sam put his arm around her waiste and together they walked toward the fire station.

meanwhile, the atmosphere at the fire station wasn't good. Ellie was checking some equipment, when Arnold walked past her. "Hey Arnold", Ellie greeted her best friend. Arnold heard her, but didn't really want to talk with her.

"I don't want to talk to you right now. In general, I don't think anyone will talk to you anymore", said Arnold disappointed and looked at her. "How? What do you mean?", she asked confused. 

"What I mean?! You finally managed to abuse the trust of others! Do you really think, that nobody will find out?! Nobody will trust you anymore, if anyone to talk to you at all."

"I don't understand, what you mean", Ellie tried to sound innocent. "Elvis told me everything. You tried to seperate the two with the help of Penny's past!  This is terrible, what you did there! We can all only be lucky, that your plan didn't work out!", Arnold said a little louder, but he didn't want to yell at her. 

"How didn't my plan work out?!", Ellie asked now in shock.

"It didn't work. Alex showed up at Penny's house this morning, but you didn't consider, that Sam could be there and as was to be expected, the two stuck together and Alex ran away, because Sam and Penny could show, how strong they are together", arnold explained enthusiastically and the sparkle in his eyes couldn't be overlooked. All he ever wanted, was an equally strong relationship, and Sam and Penny showed him, that it was possible.

"How do you know all this?", she asked shocked.

" Sam called Elvis again to tell him everything, because he was worried about Penny. And Elvis told me everything."

"I don't understand that. I've tried everything and it didn't work", Ellie muttered, realizing that she had made a big mistake. "Arnold, please believe me, I never meant to hurt Penny. I wanted ...... I wanted to finally be happy too!"

"If you keep doing something like this, you definitely won't. Don't risk everything, that makes you happy, just be happy! You have almost everything to do with it", said Arnold and tried to tell her, all the good things in life. "You have the best job in the world, you have a healthy family and really great friends!"

"Well, friends probably not anymore", said Ellie sadly and now also noticed, that she was actually happy.

"You know, I'll always be there, if you mess up, right?", Arnold asked and puting his hand on her shoulder.

"I think so", she smiled. "Do you think, the right one will come sometime?"

Arnold suddenly blushed, when she asked him that. He didn't know, what to answer. "I think, that happens automatically, Ellie. At some point, the person stands in front of you and know immediantely, who it is", smiled Arnold, but he was also disappointed, that he is apparently just a friend for Ellie. Her best friend, but still just a friend.

Both looked at each other and smiled. But the moment disappeared, when sam and Penny walked into the station and Elvis was just coming down the stairs.

Penny saw Ellie standing there, but didn't know what to do. "If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with Ellie", Sam whispered in her ear.

Penny looked at him with a suprising face. "Why?"

"I think, I know, why Ellie planned this", Sam explained, giving her a quick kiss, before he walking over to Arnold and Ellie and leaving Penny with Elvis in front of the station.

"Hey Arnold, could I speak Ellie for a moment?", he asked normally. "Of course Sam, I won't bother you", said Arnold and went up the stairs to the kitchen.

"Sam, before you tell me, what a terrible person I am, I want to apologize. I should never have done anything. I feel terrible about it! I want to make amend for everything, really everything I've done. I just don't know how", Ellie's tears ran down her cheeks.

Sam put his hand on her sholder and pushed her down. he tried to indicate to her, that she should sit on the floor. Ellie noticed, what Sam wanted from her and did it.

"Ellie, I want to tell you a story"......

I'm sorry it took so long to upload :( The last few days have been a bit chaotic. The chapter is a bit more boring, then the others, but a lot happens in the next two - and also the last chapters of the story :) Until then, have a nice day and stay healthy ;)

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