Chapter 6 / Realize it

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Ellie and Penny had an early shift together and were sitting in the lounge area. "My foot is feeling much better. Tomorrow, Helen comes here to look at my foot and she's also looking for Sam's hand. I hope we can both go back to work soon", Penny told her best friend. Ellie was annoyed at the idea that they would both work together again. On the  other hand, Sam and Penny wouldn't be able to do much more privately. That gave her hope again. "I'm glad to hear that", said Ellie and rolling her eyes, but so that Penny didn't notice it. Ellie is really fond of Penny, but she didn't like the idea of Penny taking Sam away from her. she really hoped that the plan would work out soon. "Good morning you two", Sam greeted the two and sat down on the armchair. "Ohh Sam.. I'm so sorry about what you happend to your hand. It should have been me who stumbled over the trap, not you",  Ellie said with pity. " You really can't help it Ellie. You didn't install it. It was also my turn to do the exercise", explained Sam. "Yeah, that's right", she said nervously. "Uhm Penny? Can I ask you something in the kitchen?", Sam asked shyly. "Sure, of course", said Penny and was about to get up, when Sam came to her and helped her to get into the kitchen easier. 

"Penny? Shall we eat something together at my home tonight? I'll cook you what you want", asked Sam nervously. "Yes, very much, but you don't have to cook for me. We can also order something", Penny said and was very happy about the invitation. "Penny, I'll cook for you! There's no discussion there", Sam said with a small grin. "And how are you to do that with your injured hand?", Penny asked with a similar grin. He had totally forgotten his injured hand. "Uhm, how about we cook together? You're my hand and I'm your foot", suggested and Penny had to smile. She thought it was so cute what he suggested. "Fine. I'm looking forward to tonight", smiled Penny. Are you coming by at 7:00 p.m.?", asked Sam, while he and Penny walked slowly into Steele's office to do some paperwork. "I will be there on time", Penny smiled happy. She couldn't wait to cook with him and just hang out with Sam.

Arnold came to his shift around 3 p.m. and saw Ellie sitting on the couch writting something on her phone. "Hey Ellie! How was your day?", asked Arnold fearfully because he had to speak with Ellie. "Hey Arnold, you won't believe what I planned!", said Ellie excited.

"I honestly don't want to hear that Ellie. I think we should stop. We can't make them love us. To be honest, I don't love Penny at all. I realized that... and you should give it up too. You know he doesn't love you", Arnold tried to make her realize, but this didn't work. "I will not give up! I'm fighting for the person I love, Ellie explained, almost yelling at Arnold. "Fight? You're trying to harm two people just to get your way! When do you realize that?", Arnold told her angrily. "You're such a idiot! And since when have you stopped loving Penny?", Ellie asked now confused. "I don't think I ever loved her. And I don't think you love Sam either. You just don't realize it! Stop harming both of them! The're our friends", Arnold said sadly. "You have no idea at all. In a few days at the latest, I'll be rid of Penny and sam can concentrate on me. Then we'll finally be a couple", said Ellie angrily and left the room.

Arnold could no longer think clearly. What is Ellie doing next? And will it really hurt Penny as much as Ellie describes it, that Sam doesn't want anything more from her? He had to stop her....

This is the end of the Chapter. I hope you liked it :) The next chapter is cooming soon and SamxPenny Oneshots will be updated soon too. Until then have a nice day and stay healthy ;)

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